I need help making a poster


Renaissance Artist ♠

Collabratively, Create a large 11×17 size poster in Google Docs or Pages

  • Pages — Choose a ‘BIG’ Flyer & Poster Template ** make sure it is ‘BIG’
  • Canva or Pic Collage

Include the following information:

Biographical Information

  1. Full Name
  2. Birth/Death
  3. Country of Origin (Include a flag image to represent)
  4. A visual representation of the Artist (either a portrait/self portrait, scultpure)

Famous Artwork

  1. Include TWO images of one of their masterpieces • One of the entire image • One of a detail of the creation
  2. MEDIUM – What is the medium (materials the Artist used – Oil Paint, marble, bronze, etc..)
  3. STYLE – What technique, architechture or writing style did they use?
  4. How long did it take to complete this project/artwork?
  5. THREE interesting facts or trivia about this artwork.
  6. Where is the Artwork currently located?
  7. Who helped fund this project, Pope, wealthy family, Government?

Site sources in MLA format, on front

About the Author

Follow me

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