Renaissance Artist ♠
Collabratively, Create a large 11×17 size poster in Google Docs or Pages
- Pages — Choose a ‘BIG’ Flyer & Poster Template ** make sure it is ‘BIG’
- Canva or Pic Collage
Include the following information:
Biographical Information
- Full Name
- Birth/Death
- Country of Origin (Include a flag image to represent)
- A visual representation of the Artist (either a portrait/self portrait, scultpure)
Famous Artwork
- Include TWO images of one of their masterpieces • One of the entire image • One of a detail of the creation
- MEDIUM – What is the medium (materials the Artist used – Oil Paint, marble, bronze, etc..)
- STYLE – What technique, architechture or writing style did they use?
- How long did it take to complete this project/artwork?
- THREE interesting facts or trivia about this artwork.
- Where is the Artwork currently located?
- Who helped fund this project, Pope, wealthy family, Government?
Site sources in MLA format, on front