Blood Pressure Lab Introduction
For this lab, you will need to individually test your hypothesis as well as complete and submit a full lab write up. The instructions and data you need to complete the write up is found in this weeks module. Make sure to download the data, as this is the way to get an Excel worksheet you can use for digital analysis of the data.
You may revise the hypothesis you submitted last week. You must have graphs and/or tables summarizing the data (don’t submit raw data) and some numerical analysis (mean, standard deviation, confidence interval).
Your write up is not a group project. Make sure to incorporate the requirements in the write up instructions and all of the tips and requirements I have given you this semester to produce a stellar write up. Your write up needs to be a Word, PDF or Goggle document. No other file types are accepted. You may submit more than once, but the submission on Canvas at 1159 PM Sunday is the one which will be evaluated. No resubmissions or submissions accepted after 1159PM Sunday.
You will also have a quiz this week. The quiz will test your knowledge of blood pressure and the statistical concepts we discuss in lab this week. The quiz is 10 multiple choice questions for a total of ten points. You you may take it twice and will have ten minutes to complete the quiz each attempt.