Prompt: What I want you to do is to prepare a thoughtful reflection of the semester as a student in English 124. Incorporate what you’ve learned about and from the different writing styles and persuasive techniques, subjects, authors. films, handouts etc. that we have studied as well as any of the other lessons, ( i.e Political strategy, freedom. equality, tolerance, civil involvement, civil protest, religious and secular hope and healing, etc.) you’ve learned through the class. Your final paper must reflect thoughtful critical thinking- Do not provide a quick “cookie cutter” piece of work.
MY Overall expperiement in the class can be summarized by basically watching documentaries and reflecting those documentaries on my life, such as ,
We were also asked to do a presentation , my part was about machiavelli- The qualities of the Prince which I will attach the link for it in the questions.
We were also asked to do several packets about several pieces which I will also include, Just take a look at them and reflect what you learned overall from them..
Then we went to really fun play at the old Globe, the link to what the play is about is, again just try to come up with what going to a play like this means to you and how it affects you .
Towards the end of the semester we did a fun activity in class called “A Seat at the Table” Socratic discussion, where we were asked to watch several civil rights documentaries such as, , Again, I am not asking you to watch the documentaries and write about them, just talk about what you have learned as a student from watching these documentaries and leaders and reflecting them on your life.
Lastly, we were asked to watch this documentary: and it must be addressed in this final essay…