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Identify a current policy issue in a very specific country/setting3/4/20141Policy Stakeholder AnalysisSocial and Behavioral Foundations of PHC Overview of Lab 5Reminder – Policy Processes Priorities are settled by negotiation among interest groups A policy becomes more than a statement on paper when resources are allocated to undertake the steps to achieve the policy A policy becomes a reality when those resources and strategies are actually put into practice23/4/20142Lab 5: Stakeholders and Blogs Select a current specific and real health or health-related policy issue for analysis in a real country or location Identify key stakeholders around that policy issue and analyze their positions Develop a blog posting with key points aimed at these stakeholders. As stakeholders are not just ‘the public’ or ‘professionals’ but specific civil society groups, NGOs or professional associations3Lab 5 Processes Submit your Lab 5 topic proposal (using the Lab 5 Blog Proposal Form in the Online Library) via the course Drop Box If working in a group (no more than 4) make sure all names on form, but only one person submit for group43/4/20143Blog Proposal Form Part 1: Site and Topic5Topic: Specific Country, State, Local Government concerned …Nature of the policy issue …Your/your group’s position on the issue …Blog Proposal Form Part 2: Stakeholder Analysis6Stakeholders Characteristics Involvement, interestand importance of group concerning the policyissuePosition on the Issue (for, against,uncommitted)1 2 3 4 5 6 etc.3/4/20144Blog Proposal Form Part 3: Weblinks, References, Resources7Name URL Brief DescriptionMalaria Journalhttp://www.malariajournal .com/content/12/1/268Article: Ownership and use of insecticide-treated nets during pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa: a reviewPolicy Stakeholder Analysis? Who is involved? What is the nature of their involvement? What are their characteristics? Interest in the issue• High—Moderate—Low Power/influence• High—Moderate—Low Position taken• Support—Mixed—Marginal—Opposed Potential or actual impact• High—Moderate—Low83/4/20145StrategiesStakeholder’s positionStrategySupportive InvolveMixed Collaborate Marginal Monitor Opposed Defend9The LLIN Policy Challenge Specific Country, State, Local Government concerned Nigeria with a focus on Akwa Ibom State Nature of the policy issue Routine distribution of LLINs/ITNs to guaranteecontinued supply and protection of vulnerable groups Your/your group’s position on the issue Support State allocating funds to provide LLINsfor routine distribution103/4/20146A Sample Stakeholder AnalysisWho would be the stakeholders to influence Insecticide Treated Net policies in Nigeria, for example? National Professional Groups such as Medical Association, Nurses and Midwives Association, Environmental Officers International NGOs such as Jhpiego, Africare, Nets for Life, Malaria Consortium International donors and development partners such as UNICEF, USAID, DfID, WHO, World Bank11More Malaria/ITN Stakeholders Local NGOs/CSOs Society for Family Health Malaria Control Association Association of Civil Society Organization inMalaria Control, Immunization and Nutrition (ACOMIN) Corporate Affairs Offices ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, Coca Cola Pharmaceutical and Textile Companies Medicine Sellers and Pharmacy Associations123/4/20147Sample of Stakeholders (with examples)Groups Involvement Interest Power Position Impact Professional (Env Hlth)Standards ServiceMod High Mixed ModIntl Donor (USAID)Funds TA Mod High Mixed HighLocal NGO (SFH)Service AdvocacyLow Mod Support LowIntl NGO (M Consort)Service TAHigh Mod Support ModCorporate (ExxonMob)Funds, Nets Low Mod Marginal LowTextile Man AssocProducts High High Oppose High 13Sample of StakeholdersGroups Involvement Position Strategy Professional (Env Hlth)Standards Service Mixed CollaborateIntl Donor (USAID)Funds Tech Assist Mixed CollaborateLocal NGO (SFH)Service Advocacy Support InvolveIntl NGO (M Consort)Service Tech Assist Support InvolveCorporate (ExxonMob)Funds Marginal MonitorTextile Man AssocProducts Sales Oppose Defend 143/4/20148Advocacy Processes Advocacy is an action directed at changing the policies, positions, or programs of any type of institution (including the stakeholders) Advocacy Processes Press Releases Press Conferences Media Advocacy Policy Briefs Lobbying Blogging Coalitions should be formed, facts need to be mustered, funds must be raised15Role of Stakeholders Who can be involved in a Malaria in Pregnancy Coalition? Where can we raise funds for advocacy activities? What are our sources for ITN statistics and facts to share with stakeholders and policy makers? Online Sources? Print Sources? Key Research Organizations? Implementing Agencies and Partners?163/4/20149Which Advocacy Process for which Stakeholder?Process Stakeholder, Policy Maker Media Advocacy, Advocacy JournalismPrint media still has value among many because it becomes ‘the record’; electronic media has immediacy, especially for ‘events’Lobbying Many stakeholders and policy makers want ‘face time’ as a sign of respect and an opportunity for confidential discussionPolicy Briefs, DisseminationSlightly more academic; useful for legislative aids and international agency staffBlogging, Internet Requires internet access, but may be picked up by the main media outlets and by legislative aids17Advocacy Journalism Journalists write blogs, but are bloggers journalists? Wikipedia says that Advocacy journalism is a genre of journalism that intentionally and transparently adopts a non-objective viewpoint, usually for some social or political purpose Because it is intended to be factual, it is distinguished from propaganda183/4/201410Media Advocacy and JournalismAdvocacy Journalism is also distinct from instances of media bias and failures of objectivity in media outlets, which attempt to be – or which present themselves as – objective or neutral19‘Blogs’ from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A blog (a contraction of the term “weblog”) is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronologicalorder “Blog” can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain oradd content to a blog Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particularsubject Others function as more personal online diaries(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog) As of August 2013, blog search engine Technorati wastracking 1,331,254 http://technorati.com/blogs/directory/203/4/201411More on Blogs A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art, photographs, sketches, videos, music, and audio (podcasting) See I-Reports from CNN Micro-blogging is another type of blogging,featuring very short posts (think Twitter)21Sample Blog from Malaria Matters223/4/201412Sample Twitter23Our Class Policy Blog24http://sbfphc.wordpress.com/3/4/201413Next Steps Identify a current policy issue in a very specific country/setting Decide to work alone or as a team Submit a blog proposal on the policy issue inthe Drop Box After feedback, write and post your blog Read what others have posted Make comments on at least two other blogpostings 25Factors in Assessing Blogs Your entry will be graded on the following elements: Brevity and Conciseness: Aim to make your keypoints in 300 words or fewer Graphics: Include at least one appropriategraphic which could be a photo, a graph or a video (give credit as needed) Links: Include links to key reference material and news stories that provide further information and viewpoints on the policy Conclusion: Ensure there is a clear actionable statement at the end263/4/201414Steps Again … Submit Blog Topic Proposal Post your Blog Comment on other entries27The post Identify a current policy issue in a very specific country/setting appeared first on Lion Essays. “Looking for a Similar Assignment? 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