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Implement the K-means algorithm using these two as a reference.


Implement the K-means algorithm using these two as a reference.

2.Use Matlab’s implementation of kmeans to check your results on the fisheriris dataset (https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/kmeans.html)
a. The fisheriris dataset is built into Matlab, and you can load it using ‘load fisheriris’.
b. Please note the labels are available for the dataset, so you can check the performance of the kmeans algorithm on the dataset.
274 14 Unsupervised Lnn Fig. 14.1 A two-dimensional domain with clusters of examples weight bot
initial clustering in a wrong cluster .. examples centers in a wrong cluster now: all examples in correct clusters After the second transfer, the clusters are perfect and the calculations can st Fig. 14.2 Ilustration of the k-means procedure in a domain with one numeric attribute

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