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  • In this milestone, you will submit a draft of your post-curriculum survey and st

In this milestone, you will submit a draft of your post-curriculum survey and st



In this milestone, you will submit a draft of your post-curriculum survey and strategies (Sections VI and VII). Administer the survey for the second time (post-curriculum) and describe any changes in the class SEL in general and reflect on how target students performed during curriculum work. Also, note any issues with “social desirability.” Write a brief self-evaluation (i.e., what worked and what did not) of your curriculum and any changes you might make to the implementation or construction of the curriculum. Extend your thinking to the whole school community and write about what first steps could be taken in creating a robust SEL environment school-wide. If you do not have a class to work with, reflect on a Grade 6 classroom consisting of equal numbers of boys and girls, including four learners with language-based learning disabilities (LBLD). Project the developmental stages of this age group and how they might react to the curriculum with an emphasis on LBLD issues and how they might affect the SEL of the classroom.

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