- The Gartner article attached below, write A) a brief summary of the main points that the author made in the article in your own words (don’t use their “Key Findings” ;-), and B) An analysis of the article. Some points to address in your analysis: 1) Did the author have a clear purpose for the article? What makes you believe so? 2) Was this purpose accomplished? How? 3) Did the author present the information in a way that readers would find appealing? In what way? 4) Is the world a better place for this article being written? How? 5) How does this article relate to the real world, either business-wise, or personally? If it doesn’t, state why. You don’t have to write in a boring and stilted academic style in your summary and analysis – it’s all right (and encouraged!) to write in an engaging style! At least 300 words is your minimum.
You need to support your Weighty Posts with references.
Feel free to use news articles as references (remembering that they always have a bias, that is), making sure to list those and any other references at the bottom of the post (please use more than a URL!). Quotations by famous people are allowed, as well – you only have to identify the speaker, not the specific work, in the case of well-known quotations.
No plagiarism