Assignment Name: Surgery Scheduling System
Research Assignment-
The purpose for this assignment is to gain an in-depth understanding of an Information Technology (IT) topic of choice.
Students will select a topic of choice (the topic must be approved by the instructor) and develop a traditional, APA formatted research paper. Student assignments must correlate to one of the following focus topics.
- Research how Information Technology (IT) projects are unique and propose project management concepts that best fit within an IT project environment.
- Research and propose project management tools or processes for use in successfully managing IT projects.
- Research, evaluate and interpret IT project management industry trends and evolving approaches.Students will notify the course instructor of their intended topic of the assignment no later than the completion of unit 5. The instructor must approve all assignment topics.
- Evaluation Criteria:
Criteria |
Exemplary |
Accomplished |
Developing |
Beginning |
Topic Clarity |
Topic and scope is explicit and clearly stated. 30 Points |
Topic and scope is stated but not to enough depth. 20 Points |
Topic and scope is implied and not clearly stated. 15 Points |
Topic is not clearly stated 14 to 0 Points |
Execution Accuracy and design of content |
Clearly illustrates and develops key ideas and concepts with a high degree of originality and synthesis of literature |
Illustrates and develops key ideas and concepts |
Somewhat develops key ideas and concepts but to limited depth |
Unclear or inadequate development of key ideas and concepts |
Research Assignment
30 Points |
20 Points |
15 Points |
14 to 0 Points |
Organization Logical flow of thought and transition of content |
Exceptional flow of content and transition between ideas 30 Points |
Strong flow of content and transition between ideas 20 Points |
Moderate flow of content and transition between ideas 15 Points |
Limited and/or choppy flow and transition between ideas 14 to 0 Points |
Content Style Scholarly perspective with objective style |
Consistent use of scholarly and objective style 30 Points |
Significant use of scholarly and objective style 20 Points |
Moderate use of scholarly and objective style 15 Points |
Limited use of scholarly and objective style 14 to 0 Points |
Support External literature support |
More than ten formally published sources were used 30 Points |
Eight formally published sources were used 20 Points |
Six formally published sources were used 15 Points |
Less than six formally published sources were used 14 to 0 Points |
Technical Skills Free of spelling, grammatical, and APA 6 errors |
No errors found 30 Points |
Occasional minor error without any significant errors 20 Points |
Several minor errors or a significant error 15 Points |
Unacceptable number of errors 14 to 0 Points |
Total Assignment Points: 180