Informative Report
For this assessment, write a 3–4 page informative report in which you complete the following. Use the Informative Report Template [DOCX] to complete this assessment.
Step 1: Summarize the goal of the report.
Include a brief descriiption of the innovation being recommended.
Describe the beliefs or actions the reader should consider as a result of reading your informative report.
Establish any decisions that you want the reader to consider. Explain how your report will help the reader to make a decision.
Step 2: Discuss the risks and benefits of the innovation.
Provide brief descriiptions of 3–4 benefits and 3–4 risks associated with the identified innovation.
Support your information with a minimum of two references.
Step 3: Explain one risk in detail.
Include details and references that support the risk.
Step 4: Explain one benefit in detail.
Include details and references that support the benefit.
Step 5: Provide a citation page.
The intent of this page is to provide credit to the original author.
You are not expected to formally use APA or another citation method.
Additional Requirements
Save your informative report in an accessible format and submit it. Your report should also meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Formatting: The informative report is organized and formatted in a way that enhances comprehension and keeps the reader interested. Use the Informative Report Template [DOCX] to complete this assessment.
References: Include a minimum of two references that are clearly cited and credited on a citation page.
Citations: As you complete research, it is important to cite your sources so that you can provide the original author with credit for their work. There are different citation formats. As you move forward, you will use APA in your coursework. You do not need to use APA formatting in this course, but it is important to learn the intent of it so you have the necessary foundation. For this assessment:
Provide the author’s last name and the year of the publication in the body of the report. If there is a direct quote, use quotation marks and provide the page number, too.
Provide a separate reference page that includes a list of the research you used for the assessment.
Length: 3–4 pages of text, in addition to the cover sheet and citation pages.
The cover sheet should include your name, the course number, assessment title, and date. No other information is required on this page.
On the citation page, you are not expected to formally use APA or another citation method; the goal is to provide credit to the original author.