User-centered Design Application
Description and Objectives
This assignment’s overall goal is to have you design a high-fidelity prototype based on user-centered design methodology and findings of project 1.
- Apply theories, framework, rules, principles, guidelines, standards learned from lectures, and reading materials.
- Enable you to create a user-centered high-fidelity prototype
- Learn how to conduct usability testing in the design process
For your project, you must consider all the topics discussed in the lecture sessions and reading materials.
The Final Project has three components.
- A report describing the finding and work process. Refer to the template on Canvas.
- Interactive Prototype files (Must include all prototype files).
- A video recording of the prototype demo of your prototype
–No link to a cloud prototype is acceptable (All prototype Files must be uploaded on Canvas)
–Must use one of the approved prototyping tools: Axure, JIM, Adobe XD or In-Vision Studio. See Tools in the modules
All the three-component must be upload on Canvas
Project Components
1-Report (150 points)
- Introduction
- Design Requirements
- Comparison of before and after your design and improvement list and the screens of your new design.
- The prototyping tool that you used.
- Conduct usability testing of your prototype with at least 4 participants, With the usability metrics (measurable metrics defined in project 1.
- Procedure data and result of your usability testing.
- What did you learn from this project?
Guidelines for Final Report
Your final report should be 10 – 20 pages. 8.5 x 11-inch at 12 pt type and single-spaced with 1” margins all around. Figures and Tables in your paper should be sequentially numbered and specifically referred to in your text; they may also be grouped at the end of your paper and do not count in the page limit. The paper should be referenced with a list of cited references at the end (not included in the page count).
- Upload a soft copy of the report on the due date.
- The report must have a cover page with the title of the project, name, and last four digits of student ID. Use the project one report template.
- Must be written in clear English.
- Must not include any text copied from any source unless there is a clear reference to the consulted document.
- Must cover all the areas in the section above.
- Insert page number and your name in the footer of your document.
Use project report template.
2- High Fidelity Prototype (170 points)
- Select your favorite prototyping application from the following Axure, JIM, Adobe XD or In-Vision Studio. No other application will be accepted
- Create your interactive prototype
- Conduct usability testing with at least 4 participants and measurable metrics: Example, success rate, time to finish the tasks
- Analyze your testing results and modify your prototype if needed.
- Compare your design with the original design.
- What did you learn from this project?
- Your Hight fidelity prototype must be created with the approved tools; not other tool files are accepted.
- The prototype must be interactive; for example, UI elements clickable.
- All images must be supporting your design.
- The prototype must follow the information architecture discussed in the lecture and reading material. This includes labeling, instruction text, menu options, accessibility, and so on.
- Visual design must follow the rules discussed in the lectures and reading material—for example, color pallets, contrast font size,
- Upload the interactive prototype in digital form on Canvas. No cloud-based prototype is accepted. The project upload file must include all files,
3- Demo-Recording of your Prototyping Demo (30 Points)
- View your high-fidelity prototype in simulation mode and use your favorite screen recording application and show your design. Add voice comments wherever needed to point the changes.
- Many screen recording tools are available to do that, such as Free Cam and CamStudio or Snagit, Adobe Rush.
- Video demo of your prototype must not be more than 5 minutes.
Project Deliverable
- Report
- Interactive Prototype
- Recording of the prototype demo.