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Introduces patient presenting for Case Conference


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Hope you�re doing well.This is Assignment 2 � Clinical Case Conference ReportLength: 2500 – 2750 wordsWeighting: 40%Details: This academic paper requires students to write � up the patient presented at their Clinical Case Conference (CCC) to their Nurs3005 PEP facilitator and present it as a detailed report. There must be analysis of the patient�s medical condition(s) demonstrating the ability to apply theoretical concepts including (but not limited too) pharmacology; patho-physiology; anatomy and physiology. There must be presentation and evaluation of nursing and medical management of the patient. Sound clinical rationales must be provided that support the care afforded the patient. Appropriate evidence sources must be used and Harvard referencing used throughout. Students are encouraged to write up this report prior to undertaking their CCC presentations. For specific details please refer to the marking rubric or to My tutor�s structures below.Structures in details:� My tutor�s structures For this report (the same of Marking rubric):introduction1. Introduces patient presenting for Case Conference2. Presents biographical data3. Presents current medical history of patient4. Presents relevant past medical history of patientdiscussion1. Demonstrate understanding of patient�s medical condition(s), including relevant anatomy and physiology and in – depth pathophysiology discussion2. Nursing management Included – clinical assessment using (IS)BAR, or a systems � based approach,3. Discuss nursing management with evaluation4. Explain of how nursing management relates to medical management and provide succinct, correct clinical rationales5. Explain the role of interdisciplinary team involvement6. Describe care provided by the interdisciplinary team and primary health care strategies clearly.7. Describe clinical assessment findings clearly, using clinical assessment ISBAR, or a systems � based approach.8. Logical and orderly progression of ideas9. Use headings.10. Describe medical management and treatments including all relevant pharmacological, non � pharmacological treatments, explain pain management with clear clinical rationales.11. Provide relevant laboratory results / diagnostic tests and explain it succinctly.12. Evidence of ability to make clinical inferences based upon the data available.13. Describe relevant psychosocial aspects of the case reported empathically and management.14. Describe Ethical and legal aspects clearly and objectively.15. Address all relevant and contentious areas thoroughly.16. Consider additional reading evident and incorporate in presentation.17. Provide meaningful synthesis of the evidence presented18. Cover education needs of patient / family very well.19. Address Discharge Planning and show comprehensive awareness of the patient�s needs as identified and clearly discuss in presentation.Article discussion1. Describe how your nursing research article findings/recent evidence is related to the patient / venue and make link between the literature findings and the presented case consistently and persuasively.2. Compare and critique in detail the management and nursing care of the patient with the best and most recent available evidence.3. Make feasible / thoughtful suggestions of alternative management and nursing care based on the best available evidenceSummary/Conclusion1. Present a succinct and complete summary of the crucial aspects of the case.2. Describe the short and long term outcomes in depth.3. Make insightful comments about whether the case and its management was representative.4. Describe learnings from the exercise clearly, and make other relevant insightful commentsOrganisation/structure”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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