The journal should include definitions for important terms from the readings, a brief summary of the main points, and a paragraph reflecting on your reactions to the week’s material.
- Lori Cox Han & Caroline Heldman. (2017). Women, Power, and Politics: The Fight for Gender Equality in the United States, First Edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190620240
1-Introductions, Trans Politics:Heldman & Han, Ch. 1Gender Outlaws Reading Trans Politics Readings.
2-History of Women’s Movements:Heldman & Han, Ch. 2
3-Feminism:Heldman & Han, Ch. 3
4-Intersectionality:Hancock Reading Alexander-Floyd Reading
5-Gender and Popular Media: Heldman & Han, Ch. 4
6-Running for Office:Heldman & Han, Ch. 6 Fox and Lawless (2005)
7-Women in Legislative Office:Heldman & Han, Ch. 7 CAWP Reading
8-Women in Executive Office:Heldman & Han, Ch. 8 2020 Readings
9-Women in the Courts:Heldman & Han, Ch. 9
10-Public Policy I:Heldman & Han, Ch. 10 &11
11-Public Policy II:Heldman & Han, Ch. 12