Journal Entry


An important quality of effective instruction for second language learners is instruction that is informed by a solid understanding of the cognitive and affective processes involved in learning a second language. This is sometimes difficult to comprehend if you have not had a recent experience in learning a second language. Therefore, you will be learning firsthand what a second language learner goes through, you can sign up for a free online language course of your choice. The links below are some good sites for you to consider using. The language you select must be a second (or third) language with which you have not had any prior experience. This means if you took a semester of high school Spanish, you CANNOT choose Spanish now. This must be a brand new language. The purpose of this assignment is to learn about the language learning process firsthand and to better empathize with your second language learning students; you will not have the same experience if you choose a language where you already have some background knowledge. You will need to do a lesson once a day Monday-Friday (for 15-20 minutes) for the semester and write 3 log entries. Topics for log entries can be found in the folder below. All 3 Assignments titled “SLA Journal Entry” followed by a number. Complete the entries in numerical order.


lease turn in the 3 Journal entries to the “Turn It In” Drop boxes at the bottom of this page.  There are 3 separate drop boxes for each journal entries.  These are labeled SLA Journal 1-3. Dropboxes will appear at the bottom of this page.  Pay attention to what prompts go with which journal entry.  I do not want you to do all of these in the first week just to get them turned in.  The point is to see a progression of your learning and growth over the course of the semester.  Therefore, dropboxes may not be open until a couple days before the due date.  

You will also be completing a daily SLA Journal entry on the form included in a folder at the bottom of this page. It is very simple; it is just a way to document the dates, times, and content of each lesson you complete. Make sure to do this each day you do a language lesson and include them with each SLA Journal. Only include entries up to the point of the next journal due. Further instructions on this are with the form in the folder.

Each journal entry should be 2 pages, double spaced and in APA format. No listing or bullets; use paragraph style.

To put it simple, I had to attepmt to learn a second language for the course. I have done all the lessons and journal entrys myself as neeeded. I just need somone to write a paper over following the quesitons said below. I choose to try and learn Spanish. I will upload the grading rebuix and a example on how it shoud be done. I will upload my journal entrys I have so far, and you need to make a two page paper based on those and the guidellines right below.




Consider each of the following affective factors: self-esteem, self-efficacy, willingness to communicate, inhibition, risk taking, empathy, and extroversion. Intuitively access your own level (from high to low on the first seven; either extroversion or introversion on the last) on each factor.

  What conclusions can you make about how each factor manifests itself in your foreign language course?

   Now that you have gone through the process of learning a second language, outline what you think are top elements/concepts/issues in creating a theory of second language acquisition and briefly justify your choices.

   Given everything you now know about learning a second language, what are the characteristics of a successful teacher?

   What benefit, if any, did you gain from the journal-writing process? How would you change the process if you were to tackle such journal writing again?

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