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Law and Society Criminal Justice System Question


2-page, double-spaced, 12-point font. You can use MLA, APA, ASA reference style or any other reference style you are comfortable with.

Continuation from previous work..Research question is….How does the criminal justice system perpetuate economic violence against marginalized communities?

SECONDARY ANALYSIS: For this assignment, you will assume that you are using a form of secondary analysis to answer your research questions and test your theory from Assignment 3. You will be outlining the data and methods you will use and addressing any changes you have made to your proposal, such as any changes to your research question. The secondary data we discussed are conducting a content analysis of laws, newspapers, letters, videos, and other forms of communication or using public datasets that are available through various agencies, such as Demographic and Health surveys, Bureau of Justice statistics, etc. All of this, you can find in the powerpoint we used in class, which will attached to this assignment.

In this assignment you will answer the following questions:

  1. What secondary sources are appropriate for your study and why? (datasets, newspapers, documentaries, diaries, letters, laws, etc.)
  2. How will you gain access to the data? Is the data publicly available?
  3. Summarize the data set you found. If you are not using a dataset, discuss the newspapers, letters, videos, etc that you will draw from.
  4. How will you sample your secondary data? (For example, what year, how many months of data will you analyze?)
  5. What will you look for in the secondary data that you will analyze? (For example: will you code for police brutality, type of crime, gender, race, immigration status, etc.?) This is directly related to your research question and variables.
  6. What are the weakness and benefits of this research design?


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