Learning Goal: I’m working on a history writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Take some risks with your historical imagination, and at the same time, remember that your claims must be supported by evidence. Palmira Brummett and gives us plenty of examples to work with!Carefully read the secondary sources below before answering the guiding questions:Palmira Brummett, “Imagining the Early Modern Ottoman Space from Piri Reis to World History,” in The Early Modern Ottomans: Remapping the Empire EditEdit Download The Early Modern Ottomans: Remapping the Empire , ed. Virginia H. Aksan and Daniel Goffmann. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pgs 15-58.Palmira Brummett, “Introduction” in Mapping the Ottomans: Sovereignty, Territory, and Identity in the Early Modern Mediterranean Download Mapping the Ottomans: Sovereignty, Territory, and Identity in the Early Modern Mediterranean . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.Excerpts from Worlds Together, Worlds Apart Download Worlds Together, Worlds Apart on the Ottomans and Safavids .All questions below must be answered fully with examples where notedYou can decide if you’d like to answer the question as short answers OR craft your responses into the format of a final paper. If you have a confident handle on the main arguments and historical events from the reading, I’d encourage you to experiment with a paper format. Explain the rise and expansion of the Ottomans from the 14th through the 16th centuries and identify the specific geographies under its rule (use the Brummett reading and the map included on page 392 in Chapter 11 of Worlds Together Worlds apart)Identify the geographies of Ottoman rule circa 1800 and the territories lost between 1683-1800 (use Map 1 on page 16 of Brummett’s “Imagining the Early Modern Ottoman Space from Piri Reis to World History”).Describe 2 of the 4 categories through which observers portrayed Ottoman space during the 16th through the 18th centuries (historical space, travel space, war space, sacred space). Cite an example for each of the categories you select.How did residents of the Christian kingdoms of Europe visualize the Ottomans? (Cite two specific examples, include at least 1 image and contextualize it)How did residents of the Christians kingdoms of Europe narrate the Ottomans? (Cite a specific example)6.How did the Ottomans visualize themselves and the space they occupied? (Cite two specific examples, include at least 1 image and contextualize it)How did the Ottomans narrate themselves in written sources? (Cite a specific example)What was the nature of the relationship between representations of Ottoman space in Europe and the self-mapping carried out by the Ottomans?Metacognition question: What is the major learning that you took from Palmira Brummett’s work?At least 4 pages in lengthFollows the guidelines of the historical writing rubric Download historical writing rubricCites properly – includes in-text citations and a bibliography/list of references when necessary