Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.This week, you will practice listening to a story of another person’s experience or context (from a postmodern and cultural humility standpoint). Think of yourself as a curious and open vessel where you are taking in what the authors are telling you. After this, you will write a reflection paper related to the experience, your own thoughts, and the connections you are considering between postmodern models and cultural humility. The first step in this process is to pick two of the readings that are listed that highlight different populations or experiences. Maybe read through the first paragraph of each to determine which two articles may feel most different from your own experiences. Once you pick the two articles to read, set aside a different kind of space to really “listen” to the authors. Maybe find a cozy couch or a quiet space outside to just take in the two readings completely. As you are reading, try to place yourself within the perspective of the author(s), try to understand and be curious about their perspective, their social constructions, and try to be aware of any social constructions (or biases or judgments) that you might bring to the understanding of their perspective, overall, just be “with” this reading.After you are done with that part of the process, you will write a reflection paper. Your paper should address the following:Personal ReflectionDiscuss why you picked the two articles you did.Share your overall initial (personal) reactions to their experiences and perspectives.Describe anything you read that causes a specific emotional reaction in you. Explain where you think this reaction came from (concerning your own context).Share what you learned about another person’s context that you didn’t know before.Crossroads of postmodern models and cultural humilityDiscuss how you feel postmodern models and cultural humility fit or do not fit together.Describe any model connection that you considered. When you were going through your two reflective readings, could you see any postmodern model specifically nicely addressing the context of the person you were reading about?Present two to three postmodern techniques (e.g. from the narrative, solution-focused, or collaborative) that you think would fit well with the cultural humility lens.Consider the therapist’s context and the role this context plays in viewing clients through a cultural humility lens. Postmodernism and social construction indicate that there is a melding of perspectives in an interaction. Discuss how you are mindful of this with clients. (Note: Consider your own understandings or misunderstandings of the articles that you read and provide an example of how this reactivity/misunderstanding may influence the therapeutic environment.)Length: 5-7 pagesReferences: Include a minimum of 4 scholarly resources.Article OneRestorying an African American familyPinderhughes, E. (2019). Black genealogy revisited: Restorying an African American family. In M. McGoldrick & K. Hardy (Eds.), Re-visioning Family Therapy (pp. 261-282). The Guilford Press. Summary: Pinderhughes (2019) shares experiences and challenges that some African Americans can have when exploring genealogical backgrounds. You will pick two of the eight readings listed below that most interest you (note: see assignment instructions for how to engage with these two readings).The invisibility of African Americans in the recorded history of the UnitedStates has led to a pervasive ignorance for everyone, Black or White, aboutAfrican Americans and their contributions to the building of our country.African Americans themselves have colluded in maintaining secrecy abouttheir history. With no power to affect the writing of American history and fewresources to disseminate our story, it has remained invisible or distorted bynegative stereotypes, and we have until recently remained unable or unwillingto challenge the distortions, untruths, and omissions that have been acceptedabout our past. Sealing off the past has been a way of dealing with the pain,hardship, humiliation, and degradation that have marked African Americanhistory from slave times to the present. But we are coming to realize thatknowledge of the past, even if painful, can nourish a people’s strength. Thisrealization has stimulated us to unseal these memories and reclaim the truth,no matter how cruel and shocking, so that the festering wound can begin toheal and so that we can better cope with the present and build the future.Only by exploring this painful history can we learn of the ingenious survivalpractices developed during and after slavery, which may guide us toward ourown salvation as a nation. Many individuals have joined in the movement tosearch out their family odysseys in order to see more clearly the struggle of ourpeople to live with dignity and to find some sense of meaning and value, evenas they have been dehumanized.This chapter is part of my contribution to this effort. Discovering prideand love for my extended family which I had repressed has become an expan-sive experience for me. I value greatly what I have learned about my rela-tives’ legacy of strength and endurance. This new learning has enabled me toC H A P T E R 1 9Black Genealogy RevisitedRestorying an African American FamilyArticle 2White Privilege, Pathological Shame and Guilt, and the Perversion of MoralityShelby, R. (2019). White privilege, pathological shame, and guilt, and the perversion of morality. In M. McGoldrick & K. Hardy (Eds.), Re-visioning family therapy (pp. 283-297). The Guilford Press. You will pick two of the eight readings listed below that most interest you (note: see assignment instructions for how to engage with these two readings).A fish is not aware of how it breathes in water until it attempts to breathein air. This metaphor alludes to the phenomenon we have all experienced—the shock of seeing our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and sense of self in aradically new context, the result of which is that we are forced to understandourselves differently.This chapter evolved as an attempt to respond to the way the concept of“being politically correct” was being used by some White people to referencehow they were being persecuted and their right to freedom of speech wasbeing denied by those who decried their statements as hateful, racist, sexist,or misogynistic.As I thought further, I realized that just as the concept of “being politi-cally correct” was perverted, so is the moral thinking which supports it. Thatled me to explore how the moral thinking which some White people employis perverted by unacknowledged privilege and the racist assumptions whichsupport that privilege. I began this chapter in the heat of passion that wasa mixture of moral outrage, deep sadness, and hopeful protest—emotionsfamiliar to me whenever I have felt the sting of injustice, whether directed atme or anyone else.I grew up in a struggling White family in which there was violence,intimidation, mental illness, and eventually suicide. Whatever assumptionsI had about who my parents are, what family is, and who I was in that fam-ily were altered by my father’s willingness to enforce his will through the useof physical force and violence. My mother was weaker and had to submit toC H A P T E R 2 0White Privilege, Pathological Shame and Guilt,and the Perversion of Morality