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Let’s discuss the “Points to Ponder” on page 309 in your text, Ethics in Health Administration: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers, 3rd edition


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APA 300 words Let’s discuss the “Points to Ponder” on page 309 in your text, Ethics in Health Administration: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers, 3rd edition. Answer the following questions: 1.APA 300 wordsLet’s discuss the “Points to Ponder” on page 309 in your text, Ethics in Health Administration: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers, 3rd edition. Answer the following questions: 1. What is moral integrity? 2. What temptations will you face in choosing moral integrity as a basis for your professional actions? 3. What is the best way for you to maintain your moral integrity?2. Learnscapes Simulation “Stockpiling” In this simulation, you are the procurement manager of a large hospital within the Bright Road Health Care System, and you are faced with a dilemma.  You need to consider the good of the individual vs. the community, PR for the hospital, humanitarian aspects, the future cost of the medicine and whether or not substitutes are available, and the future needs of the hospital when making a decision. Work through the entire Stockpiling scenario and discuss your recommendations. Your recommendations MUST be specific to this Learnscape scenario and demonstrate an understanding of the scenario. Also, discuss how the “Big 8” would influence your decision to the recommendation you made.Rewrite this completely but this will help with answerProcuring a large stock and stockpiling the medicines and other medical additions (like cotton, cloth bands, band aid, etc) is good considering the increasing medicine cost. But, few things are to kept in mind if the stock has to be piled.The history of the buying patterns of the medicine – if the medicine has a good buying pattern, then it is good to stock the medicine. Otherwise, there is no point stocking, a minimum amount will be sufficientCheck the substitutes of the medicine – If there are substitutes at a lower price, then there is no point stock pilingLife of the medicine – If the life of the medicine is long, then stock piling can be done.If the stock is not piled, then the following might happen –Shortage – If the stock is not piled, then there could be a shortage in the medicines and this could be a serious problem.Price increases – If there is a sudden price increase, then we would end up buying at a higher cost. This is again a cost for the companyNon – availability – If the medicine is not stocked, and when the medicine is not available in the market at the time of ordering then that could again create chaos.Recommendations :Always stock the medicine for a particular period. Say for 3 months. Do not stock the medicine for more than that period.Always check the lead time of the supply. If the lead time is high, then order in advance. If the delivery is just in time, then there is no need to worry.Always check the life and expiry dates of the medicine and other additives.Keep the alternate medicines handy. Just in case if the medicine is not available, alternate medicine might help.Keep a procurement calendar ready for procuring the items.”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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