Literature Question



How is “Land Ethic,” The Great Turning, Ishmael, and The Earth Charter interrelated


Your essay MUST have an introduction, 2 short body paragraphs, and a conclusion

You must use at least ONE quotation per work you analyze in your short essay. Please place an in-text citation (also called a parenthetical citation) immediately after you close the quotation marks and before you place a period for your sentence.


  1. Did you choose one of the topics provided by the professor?
  2. Did you analyze the works and avoided summary?
  3. Does your essay analyze the 4 works in the module?
  4. Does your essay have a title?
  5. Is the essay organized in a clear and coherent manner?
  6. Does your essay have an introduction where authors and title of works being analyzed are mentioned?
  7. Does your introduction have a thesis statement where you make an argument related to the topic?
  8. Does your essay have at least 2 body paragraphs that support the thesis statement?
  9. Does your essay use quotations for support of thesis statement? Are the quotes properly introduced?
  10. Does your essay use MLA style correctly?
  11. Does your essay have a conclusion?
  12. Does the essay use transition words from paragraph to paragraph?
  13. Does your essay have appropriate use of grammar/mechanics?
  14. Does your essay use a consistent point of view, first or third person?
  15. Did you provide at least one thoughtful response to a peer?


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