Literature review


For this assignment , you will prepare a literature review. The literature review will begin with the introduction. The Introduction topic should be on Ethical leadership and decision making in education.Your literature review must include 15 references. Your introduction is a logical argument for the importance of the topic that you plan to investigate. Conclude your literature review with a summary that synthesizes the research and points to gaps in the literature and to directions that further research might take.Please complete in APA Style with citations,12 font times roman and Reference page.

Length: 14 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Minimum of fifteen scholarly resources.

15 References:


Baker, E. L., Barton, P. E., Darling-Hammond, L., Haertel, E., Ladd, H. F., Linn, R. L., .. & Shepard, L. A. (2010). Problems with the use of student test scores to evaluate teachers. EPI Briefing Paper# 278. Economic Policy Institute.

Harper, S. R., Patton, L. D., & Wooden, O. S. (2009). Access and equity for African American students in higher education: A critical race historical analysis of policy efforts. The Journal of Higher Education, 80(4), 389-414.

Joubish, M., Kharram, M., Ahmed, A. Tasneem, S. (2011) Paradigms and characteristics of a good qualitative research. World Applied Sciences Journal, 12 (11) 2082-2087.

Kezar, A. & Eckel, P. (2008). Advancing diversity agendas on campus: examining transactional and transformational presidential leadership styles. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 11(4), pp. 379-405.

Mayer, D. M., Aquino, K., Greenbaum, R. L., & Kuenzi, M. (2012). Who displays ethical leadership, and why does it matter? An examination of antecedents and consequences of ethical leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 55(1), 151-171.

Parker, D. & Scott R. (2010). From mentorship to tenureship: A storied inquiry of two academic careers. Education, Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 18 (4) pp. 405-425.

Pazey, B. L., & Cole, H. A. (2013). The role of special education training in the development of socially just leaders: Building an equity consciousness in educational leadership programs. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(2), 243-271.

Pless, N. M., Maak, T., & Stahl, G. K. (2011). Developing responsible global leaders through international service-learning programs: The Ulysses experience. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10(2), 237-260.

Rebore, R. W. (2013). The ethics of educational leadership. Pearson Higher Education.

Shapiro, J. P., & Stefkovich, J. A. (2016). Ethical leadership and decision making in education: Applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas. MA: BostonRoutledge.

Stern, R., & Brackett, M. A. (2012). Personal, professional coaching: Transforming professional development for teacher and administrative leaders. Volume 11, Number 1–Winter 2012, 263.

Vogel, L. R. (2012). Leading with hearts and minds: Ethical orientations of educational leadership doctoral students. Values and Ethics in Educational Administration, 10(1), 1-12.

Walumbwa, F. O., Mayer, D. M., Wang, P., Wang, H., Workman, K., & Christensen, A. L. (2011). Linking ethical leadership to employee performance: The roles of leader–member exchange, self-efficacy, and organizational identification. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 115(2), 204-213.

Wiggins, G. (2011). A true test: Toward more authentic and equitable assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(7), 81-93.

Yılmaz, E. (2010). The analysis of organizational creativity in schools regarding principals’ ethical leadership characteristics. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 3949-3953.

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