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Logistics and security | English homework help



LOG 401 Module 4 – Case #4Case AssignmentBased upon your reading of the Background materials, and your own additional research, prepare an essay discussing the use of infectious disease as a weapon of international terror.  You should address the following questions:  ·         What are the advantages and disadvantages of microbes, vis-à-vis destructive “hardware” such as guns and bombs?·         What would be the characteristics of an ideal “weapon bug?”  Things to consider: o    Vector (i.e., carried by people, animals, in foodstuff, on other goods?)o    Lethalityo    Transmissibility (ease with which it is spread)o    Mode of transmission (airborne, direct contact, indirect contact)o    Arrival mode (airplane, ship, on foot)o    Based upon the above, select an organism. Explain your selection.o    Describe the most effective countermeasures. o    What precautions, if any, should logistics companies take, in addition to those prescribed by government regulation?  Explain. REFERENCESFidler, D. (2006).  International law, infectious diseases, and globalization. (Appendix B: The impact of globalization on infectious disease emergence and control:  Exploring the consequences and opportunities. US Institute of Medicine.)  Retrieved on 19 March 2015 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK56586/ *Hadal, R. (2010).  People crossing borders: An analysis of U.S. border protection policies, Congressional Research Service, retrieved from http://fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/R41237.pdfIM (2010).  Infectious disease movement in a borderless world (Institute of Medicine Workshop).  Retrieved on 21 March 2015 from http://www.nap.edu/catalog/12758/infectious-disease-movement-in-a-borderless-world-workshop-summary*Khosla, S. (2014).  The planet’s deadliest infectious diseases, by country (Salon.com., Nov. 1)  Retrieved on 21 March 2015 from   http://www.salon.com/2014/11/01/the_planets_deadliest_infectious_diseases_by_country_partner/  

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