Requirements for the Management Advisory Report – Enterprise Systems Analysis and Design
As you now know, systems analysis and design is a challenging task in today’s global business environment. Thorough planning, in-depth analysis, and effective design as reflected in successful implementation all present complex problems for systems analysts and project teams to solve during a systems analysis and design project. Recall that it is an absolute requirement to meet the constraints of scope, time, budget, and quality in the finished project in order for an information systems project to be deemed as a success.
You have been asked by the management of your consulting company to prepare and write a Management Advisory Report that will effectively guide organizational decision makers in understanding both the requirements of a successful systems analysis and design project and key strategies and recommendations that can be followed in order to deliver a successful information systems project.
Organize your report in the following order with the indicated content:
- Introduction – a clear/concise description of the report’s purpose (this is an opportunity to convince the reader that his or her time will be well spent in reading the report)
- Background – a thorough discussion of why it is so difficult to achieve overall success in an information system project (you recall that research has indicated that the majority of information systems projects are deemed to be unsuccessful in one or more respects)
- Recommendations – a minimum of ten clearly stated and well supported recommendations (“best practices”) for systems analysis and design strategies and project team activities that should contribute to the achievement of a successful information systems project effort (this will involve a concise explanation of the recommended strategy and a clear justification of its inclusion by discussing why it should contribute to success).
o You are to form these recommendations based on your experiences in this course: in other words, what did you learn from working with the course content and with the individual and team project assignments in this course?
o You are also welcome to form your own ideas on topics that were not specifically addressed through these means but that you believe would be important considerations.
- Conclusion – a restatement of the purpose of the report and a high-level summary of the major recommendations identified in the report
Format Requirements: your Management Advisory Report must
1. be composed in a Microsoft Word document in 12-point Arial font and with one-inch top, bottom, left, and right margins,
2. contain a descriptive title and date completed at the top of the first page in bold text,
3. contain a left-justified section heading in bolded text for each of the four sections as detailed above,
4. have a centered page number at the bottom of each page, and
5. be written in complete sentences.
Note: A Turnitin analysis (see (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for information on this product) will be automatically applied to your assignment submission to indicate the potential degree of “originality,” which means that you have interpreted and are discussing your research results “in your own words” (paraphrasing, but with APA in-text source citations) or are using proper APA citation methods for exact quotations to include the words of others. A Turnitin analysis percentage of 15% or higher will result in your having to repeat this assignment with a single attempt to achieve a percentage less than 15% in order to receive any credit for it.
- You are to form these recommendations based on your experiences in this course: in other words, what did you learn from working with the course content and with the individual and team project assignments in this course?
- You are also welcome to form your own ideas on topics that were not specifically addressed through these means but that you believe would be important considerations.
In other words, the purpose of this task is not to do a literature and external source search to repeat the ideas of others. Rather, you should carefully consider the course content as addressed through the assignment sequences to form and discuss your own ideas.
Here are the Course Subject that you should write what you have learned from:
- System analysts job rule.
- Information System Methodologies.
- Project management in information system projects.
- sources on conflict in teams for information systems projects.
- Information system projects failures, doesn’t meet the planned scope, budget, completion deadline or quality goals.
- Inventory management Report, Ad-hoc reports, templates, and
- DFD Diagram, Level-0 DFD, Level-1 DFD.
- Use case Diagram.
- Stopping rule, IRD, data flow diagraming, designing a decision table.
- Normalization, third normal form, Logical design database, Entities, attributes, Primary key, Foreign key, and relationships between entities.
- ERD Design.
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