Management Skills Discussion
Management Skills Discussion
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Post 1 Jordan
The health care leaders job in implementing and integrating informatics into the organizational culture is to stay ahead of the curve and lead by example. If the leader understands these new health care delivery systems and knows that they are for the best interest of the patient and is willing to help the team learn to use them, then the team will be more willing to do so. “Data-driven and networks-driven thinking and methods can play a critical role in the emergence of personalized healthcare.” (Chawla, N. V., & Davis, D. A. 2013). If there is a situation that arrives where a new technology user does not know how to work the system the leader is the middle man between the user and the technology representative, and it would save a lot of time if the leader knew the technology enough to quickly troubleshoot it.
Chawla, N. V., & Davis, D. A. (2013). Bringing big data to personalized healthcare: a patient-centered framework. Journal of general internal medicine, 28 Suppl 3(Suppl 3), S660–S665.
Post 2 Janys
Health care leaders must adapt to the impact of technology and the internet to deal with multiple and diverse information sources, and increasing demand on them to be competent in managing data, data exchange, and use of area networks. Systems improvement on information management and software support to provide communication and information technologies as case managers and health care leaders connect with high-risk and chronically ill patients, enabling them to harness optimal software, such as care management software, expert systems, and remote monitoring. Utilization of informatics to promote continuous professional education as to the application of the principles of information science and theory to the study, scientific analysis, and management of nursing information for the purposes of establishing a body of nursing knowledge. Designing, implementing and evaluating electronic patient information systems and electronic records to facilitate long-term accurate and proper data management of chronic illnesses and prevention or early identification of disease among high-risk populations (Themes, 2016).
Themes, U. F. O. (2016, December 10). Leadership in health informatics: Roles and responsibilities. Nurse Key. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from
Post 3 Lindsey
Implementing Health Informatics into an Organizational Culture
Technology has not only made a huge impact on businesses in the recent decade but also on healthcare organizations. Facilities now are transitioning to electronic medical records, charting, and prescription processing. There are now even doctors communicating with patients via zoom or facetime, otherwise known as telehealth. “It is now increasingly clear that healthcare is unlikely to see any transformation without successful implementation of advanced technologies and a presence of a culture that accepts information technology as part of providing care” (Bichel-Findlay & Doran, 2015). Leaders in healthcare must implement and integrate this new form of informatics into their organizational culture. Management Skills Discussion
The role of the health care leader in implementing new forms of health informatics into organizational culture is to provide opportunities for education to the staff, address any issues or concerns, and form relationships not only with team members but also in the information technology department. The leader also must integrate technologists into the healthcare organization. “Clinical leaders who aim for improvements in the processes and quality of care should cultivate the necessary IT competencies, establish mutual partnerships with IT professionals, and execute proactive IT behaviors to achieve successful IT adoption” (Ingebrigtsen et al., 2014). The nurse leader needs to create an environment where communication styles are established, trusting relationships are formed, and opportunities for growth are delivered. It needs to be ensured that technology can improve communication between healthcare providers and provide new analytics to communities to search for opportunities to grow in medicine. Therefore, implementing the new form of informatics is a critical job by the nursing leader, and it can benefit patient outcomes. Management Skills Discussion
Bichel-Findlay, J., & Doran, C. (2015). Leadership in health informatics: A pathway to twenty-first century patient care. Leadership and Nursing: Contemporary perspectives. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from
Ingebrigtsen, T., Georgiou, A., Clay-Williams, R., Magrabi, F., Hordern, A., Prgomet, M., Li, J., Westbrook, J., & Braithwaite, J. (2014). The impact of clinical leadership on health information technology adoption: Systematic review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 83(6), 393–405. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from
Post 4 Janys
Healthcare organizations face different challenges that impact their daily performance. One of the problems identified is poor collaboration among healthcare workers, leading to poor patient outcomes. The problem can be solved using the five-stage model for problem-solving by Wheatley. The first step of solving the problem is cooling or quieting, where each team member shares their perspective of the problem and takes their time to understand how others perceive the problem of poor collaboration among them (Weiss et al., 2018). The second step is enriching, where the individuals sit in a square configuration. The differences leading to lack of partnership are elaborated, and each side is allowed to offer a precise reason for its perspective. Each professional group takes time to listen to each other during the presentation. The third step is magnetizing, which involves developing strong interpersonal bonds, communal understanding that there is no one best solution, and acceptance that there are no points that the team has yet to uncover. The fourth step is destroying, where the professional teams signal the willingness to let go of the differences that are no longer effective and efficient in achieving the organization’s goals (Weiss et al., 2018). The fifth step is acting, in which professional teams have developed their listening and analytic skills as well as their capacity to draw on the collective wisdom of the group.
The aspect of the situation that is most important is members agreeing that we have differences and we should understand one another for us to achieve the objectives effectively and efficiently. Upon acceptance of the existing conflict, the individuals will be able to take their time and listen to one another and come with a solution to the existing challenge. The new learning that I experienced is that having differences among the professionals within healthcare is a common thing, and there are ways of solving the problem hence improving the health outcomes. The things that get in the way of solutions include misunderstanding and differences in the goals and opinions. They affect the problem-solving process and should be observed during the solution-finding process. The only way to work together is by recognizing the importance of one another during care delivery and being free to consult one another when something is not understood.
Weiss, D. F., Morgan, M. J., & Tilin, F. J. (2018). The interprofessional health care team: leadership and development—186 P.
Post 5 Jordan
The five-stage model for approaching problem solving by Wheatley is cooling/quieting, enriching, magnetizing, destroying, and acting. During the cooling stage everybody shares their perspective and has the opportunity to understand others. Enriching is the stage where the team can explain their rationale behind their perspective which gives others a deeper understanding and promotes a more unified environment. Magnetizing is pretty much the result of the first two stages with the knowledge of other’s perspectives gained and understood. Destroying is gathering up the information that is known to not work and getting rid of it. And acting moving forward with this changed work culture.( Weiss, D., Tilin, F., & Morgan, M. J. 2016).
Communication is an ongoing problem in health care that needs to be continually worked on. Using Wheatley’s five stage process could definitely help interdepartmental communication skills among teammates. The most important aspect of this model is enriching stage because you get to understand why a person thinks the way they do and grow from it. Learning why people think the way they do as a group and figuring out what works and what doesn’t and why is the new information that would be learned. And scheduling would be the biggest issue in my mind as to get everybody together would be next to impossible unless the department was shut down.
Weiss, D., Tilin, F., & Morgan, M. J. (2016). The Interprofessional Health Care Team. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Post 6 Lilian
First, I think it is best to discuss the five-stage model for approaching problem solving designed by Wheatley. Those 5 steps are: cooling/quieting, enriching, magnetizing, destroying, and acting (Weiss, Morgan, & Tilin, 2018). Each of these steps are very important when it comes to problem solving, especially within healthcare. The cooling/quieting step is when “each member of the team has an opportunity to share his or her perspective and understand how others perceive the problem” (Weiss et al., 2018). The textbook suggests that all team members sit in a circle and discuss their perspectives. Sometimes they also can talk about their experiences with a situation like this and how they overcame it if they did. Enriching is when “the team sits in a square configuration so that sides or differences are amplified, and each side has an opportunity to provide a detailed rationale for its perspective” (Weiss et al., 2018). This is another way for team members to understand other team members’ perspectives. One side of the square speaks while the other sides listen. Magnetizing is when “the trust and broadened perspective that is gained from passage through the other stages allows the development of strong interpersonal relationships, collective acceptance that there is not one best way, and a willingness to accept that there may be additional view-points that the team has yet to discover. A half-circle seating arrangement facing an open area echoes the orientation toward what is yet unknown to the group” (Weiss et al., 2018). When this happens, you can ask yourself if everyone is present, if you are missing any item or topic, or if there is any additional information. The next step is destroying, which “signals a willingness to let go of things that are no longer efficient or effective” (Weiss et al., 2018). In this instance, your team members all sit in a triangle, which can signify some sort of change that needs to happen. Some things that can be discussed during this sit down would be what things can get in the way of finding solutions to problems and what can keep you as a team from moving forward. And finally, our last step is acting which is when “the team has developed deep listening and analytic skills and an ability to benefit from the collective wisdom of the team. The group might resume a circular seating arrangement” (Weiss et al., 2018). There are some very important questions that get asked during this stage and it is all about the team and how they plan to work together, support one another and how their work will affect everyone around them (patients, team, unit, and organization). A big problem that can occur within healthcare is lack of communication. This is a subject we have all been talking about the last couple of weeks and I didn’t realize that it is a bigger problem than it should be. The five-stage model designed by Wheatley can be very helpful with situations and problem-solving regarding communication. Within certain healthcare settings, you may work with a lot of different people within different lines of work, and sometimes communication can be strained. By using the model, teams can understand the situation and why it is important to communicate properly. With new learning, you are better able to understand why a team member communicates the way that they do. You learn new things about your team members. You can also learn what can get in the way of solutions, whether it be people are too stubborn to learn to communicate with one another, or maybe people just need to slow down and take a second look at their work.
Weiss, D. F., Morgan, M. J., & Tilin, F. J. (2018). The interprofessional health care team. Retrived from: Weiss, D. F., Morgan, M. J., & Tilin, F. J. (2018). The interprofessional health care team: Leadership and development. Retrieved from:Weiss, D. F., Morgan, M. J., & Tilin, F. J. (2018). The interprofessional health care team. Retrived from: Weiss, D. F., Morgan, M. J., & Tilin, F. J. (2018). The interprofessional health care team: Leadership and development.