Assignment 1: DiscussionBy Saturday, October 17, 2015, write an Initial Post with a description of 3 patients brought into the Emergency Room where you are working. You do not need a full assessment of all body systems for each patient, just the body system that is having the problem.Your first patient has a musculoskeletal complaint. Using the chart of musculoskeletal medical word elements from your textbook, construct 10 medical terms that would reasonably be involved in a complaint dealing with the muscles and/or bones. For example, you could say that your patient had a herniated disk (rupture of a vertebral disk’s center that puts pressure on the spinal cord), perhaps due to lifting heavy weights, as part of her complaint. Each term should include its meaning in parentheses. Then list 3 tests or procedures that would reasonably be involved in evaluating a patient like this. Your second patient has a gastrointestinal complaint. Using the chart of digestive medical word elements from your textbook, construct 10 medical terms that would reasonably be involved in a complaint dealing with the digestive tract. For example, you could say that your patient had glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), perhaps due to overindulging in jalapeno peppers, as part of his complaint. Each term should include its meaning in parentheses. Then list 3 tests or procedures that would reasonably be involved in evaluating a patient like this.Your final patient has a respiratory problem, so something having to do with her breathing or lungs needs to be described. Again, use at least 10 terms from the reading, especially using the respiratory medical word elements from your textbook. Also, you need to include 3 tests or procedures that will help you to discover what the problem with your patient is.Your response should be posted to the Discussion Area below. By the end of the week, begin commenting on at least 2 of your peers’ responses. Ask questions, further the discussion of the topic, reinforce a response, or add another dimension to the discussion. Always use constructive language.