Mental healthcare


How we would make a plan, to open the healthcare facility. Create plan. You are a liberal studies major with a minor in geography and planning, therefore, you would be in charge of organizing and creating a plan for the execution of creating the program. Scroll down to ——-> V.Main Point #4 – Action (Me)

Where? Inner city Philadelphia

Size? Normal size nothing crazy

3 sources

APA format

Classmate 1: Psychology, minor in dance performance, premed track

Classmate 2: Business Management/Minor in Sociology

Classmate 3: Accounting

Me: Professional Studies. Minor in geography and planning, business and technical writing

Client 1: Non-profit psychiatric office for people in need / lacking healthcare.

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Speech Outline

I.Introduction – Attention Step (classmate)

A.Attention Getter: As the globally recognized pandemic known as COVID-19 sweeps the world and workplace, another pandemic is lurking in the shadows; a recent study published by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) shows that 45% of adults indicated that they are suffering from some form of mental illness during the time of the pandemic, and as more information and knowledge of mental illness comes to the surface, that number could be much higher.

B.Thesis: Our mission is to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by providing people who do not have access to mental healthcare with the tools and treatments they need to combat their mental health struggles.

C.Credibility Statement: For our group, I am a psychology major on a pre med track, which is where the idea to open a psychiatric office developed from. To go with the non-profit psychiatry office, Denise is an accounting major to handle financial aspects pertaining to the non-profit and Ryan is a business management major in order to run the office efficiently and effectively. Nick is a liberal studies major with a minor in geography and planning, therefore, he would be in charge of organizing and creating a plan for the execution of creating the program.

D.Relevance (What’s In It For Me?): Mental health impacts everyone differently and not everyone has the necessary access to mental healthcare. With that being said, our non-profit psychiatry office may help you or someone close to you in the near future.

E.Preview of Main Points: First, I am going to explain the need for awareness of the general topics of mental health and psychiatry, then Ryan is going to explain the satisfaction of the need by giving statistics pertaining to the lack of mental healthcare access the world is facing. Denise is then going to in-depth explain the vision of our mission by providing specific groups we are aiming to help, and lastly, Nick is going to explain our action as to how we plan to make this idea a reality.

F.Transition to 1st Main Point:


II.Main Point #1 – Need (classmate)


B.Internal preview

C.Sub Point #1 with supporting research or explanation

Signpost/transition between sub-points

D.Sub Point #3 with supporting research or explanation

Signpost/transition between sub-points

E.Sub Point #3 with supporting research or explanation

F.Closing Idea

G.Transition to 2nd main point: As mentioned, mental health is a growing concern within today’s society, and there are limited resources for those in need.

III.Main Point #2 – Satisfaction of Need (classmate)

A.Claim: To achieve a universal level of support for individuals belonging to lower socioeconomic groups, revisions will have to be made to the current healthcare system. These changes include, but are not limited to, health insurance,

B.Internal Preview:

C.Subpoint #1 with supporting research or explanation

Whilst several systematic reviews conducted in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) have revealed that coverage under social (SHI), national (NHI) and community-based (CBHI) health insurance has led to increased utilization of health care services, it remains unknown whether, and what aspects of, these shifts in financing result in improvements to mental health care utilization. (Docrat, S., Besada, D., Cleary, S., & Lund, C., 2020)

The authors found that uninsured children aged 0–17 years with confirmed intellectual disability, with the exception of the first year of follow-up, showed a significantly lower likelihood of service use (i.e. between 2008 and 2013) over the past 12 months when compared with those enrolled in either the UR-BMI or NCMS schemes (OR ranged from 0.50 in 2008 to 0.55 in 2013) [30].

Signpost/transition between sub-points

D.Subpoint #2 with supporting research or Explanation

Health financing reforms include changes in the way that revenues for health are generated and collected, how they are pooled to spread risks, the means by which the provision and purchasing of services are determined and how providers should be paid

Signpost/transition between sub-points

E.Subpoint #3 with supporting research or explanation

F.Closing Idea

G.Transition to 3rd Main Point: Now that I have explained the need behind a non-profit psychiatric office, here’s what it would look like.

IV.Main Point #3 – Visualization (classmate)

A.Claim: Individuals in lower socioeconomic situations should not have to go without assistance or treatment pertaining to their mental health. A psychiatrist can treat and diagnose a number of issues that people can face on a day-to-day basis, such as ADHD, depression, and other mental related concerns. There are specific groups within the United States that have struggled with their mental health which we would like to leave a lasting impression on, for our purposes we are focusing on US Veterans and the workforce. Here’s what it would entail.

B.Internal Preview: A non-profit psychiatric office would make treatments and diagnostic criteria readily available to the community without the financial burdens associated with medical care. Not to mention, it would help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in today’s society. Imagine a world where mental illnesses are treated and there is no stigma surrounding the concept of mental health.

C.Subpoint #1 with supporting research or explanation: Typically, stakeholder involvement in non-profit psychiatric facilities lead to biases and opinions from those financially aiding the organization. Which, in our case, we would ensure that the stakeholders involved within the organization have pure intentions and seek only to help those who are in need (Cho & Milner, 2014).

Signpost/transition between sub-points: After we receive the funding for our non-profit psychiatric office we will need to spread the word of our organization in order to reach as many people as possible.

D.Subpoint #2 with supporting research or Explanation: For example, the US struggles with a high homeless rate for veterans. To put that into perspective, just over nine percent of the homeless population within the US are veterans, according to The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness. With that being said, Veterans also experience unmet mental healthcare options which leads to increased suicide rates and toughts as well as addictions to alcohol and other drugs (Becerra, Becarra, Hassija, & Safdar, 2016). All of these issues can be aided by more available and affordable psychiatric help to those who need it, but struggle to gain access to it.

Signpost/transition between sub-points: On a more generalized note, the US also has a long-term issue pertaining to the well-being of mental health among the workforce.

E.Subpoint #3 with supporting research or explanation: According to Michael Hoge, he would explain that the mental health within the workforce of the US has been, “plagued by shortages, high turnover rates, a lack of diversity, and concerns about its effectiveness,” (Flaherty, Goplerud, Hoge, Morris, Paris, & Stuart, 2013). The US has struggled to develop and utilize an effective method to increase the overall well-being of mental health in the US. That is where we would step in to research statistics, like the ones I have mentioned, and work to benefit the way the US deals with mental health as we know it.

F.Closing Idea: With everything I have said, our non-profit psychiatric office will reduce the stigma around mental health in the US, provide accessible and available mental healthcare to those who need it, and, ideally, improve the mental well-being of the US with effective and proven methods.

G.Transition to 4th Main Point:

V.Main Point #4 – Action (Me)


B.Internal Preview

C.Subpoint #1 with supporting research or explanation

Signpost/transition between sub-points

D.Subpoint #2 with supporting research or Explanation

Signpost/transition between sub-points

E.Subpoint #3 with supporting research or explanation

F.Closing Idea

(Transition to conclusion)

VI.Conclusion (classmate)

A.Summary of Main Points

B.Refocus on Thesis/Specific Purpose or Call to Action

C.Clincher or Memorable Remark

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