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MGT 670 UCL Consultancy Grow to Munchs Opportunities and Challenges Report


Requirements: Consultancy Report

The assignment should be presented in the form of a consultancy report, and should include reference to relevant theoretical frameworks and empirical data. The report should show evidence of carefully developed arguments, and follow academic conventions including proper use of the Harvard System for referencing, and avoiding

Consultancy brief

Grow-to-munch is a manufacturing firm that specialises in making wooden boxes in which to grow vegetables such as carrots and lettuces, and is located in the South of the UK. Currently, the head office employs 200 people (including marketing, HR, operations management and financial specialists). It also has one manufacturing plant located in the South of England and one in Norway, each of which employs around 100 people. Each plant specialises in the manufacture of different types of painted boxes, but uses wood as the main material.

The company has recently decided to extend its operations to another country, in order to tap into local markets and utilise local labour. In order to evaluate its options, different departments at head office are responsible for producing feasibility reports of the various aspects that need to be considered in taking forward this ambitious plan. The HR Office has been charged with producing a brief report that outlines the key opportunities and challenges involved in locating operations in another country, from an employment perspective. They have already determined the key areas that they wish the report to cover, and although these may not seem to be comprehensive, they address previously identified gaps in knowledge. They have contracted this work out to you.

In order for the report to be focused, the wordcount should be 2,500 words (excluding references and appendices). The following subheadings should be used for the individual sections, but the word counts for each section should be used only as a guideline.

  • Executive Summary (around 200 words, and briefly summarising the key findings of each section of the report)
  • Introduction (around 200 words, briefly covering relevant country facts not covered elsewhere in the report and justifying what will be covered in the rest of the report)
  • The main political parties, level of unemployment and the growth rate in GDP in the host country (around 300 words)
  • Attitudes of the host country government toward the informal economy and immigration, illustrated by government policy (around 500 words)
  • Employment legislation and government policy relating to discrimination and the extent to which ILO conventions on discrimination appear to have been followed in the host country (500 words)
  • The likely impact of globalisation on the company’s ability to attract workers from other countries in the region or from the majority world (developing countries) (500 words)
  • Conclusion (including cost benefit analysis of locating a subsidiary in this location, from an employment perspective) (around 300 words)

Students can choose the country where the company might set up a new manufacturing plant. Countries for 2021 will consist of: France, Denmark, Germany and Spain.


In the first instance, please see the sources listed in the module handbook. To access relevant information on legislation and statistics you may wish to use online sources such as the World Bank, IMF, OECD, CIA World Factbook or ILO. Relevant sources will include empirical evidence, legislation, and relevant data sources (such as those outlined within the module guide). The conclusion and cost benefit analysis should draw together the key findings of the report and provide recommendations for the company to follow.

This assignment does not require primary research, which is research collecting data from first-hand sources, using methods such as interviews or questionnaires. Research involving human participants or personal data requires research ethics approval.

Better answers will show evidence of the students carefully weighing up the evidence for and against the company investing in the country concerned in relation to each of the areas required, within each section. Where evidence is not available they will have explained the sources that have been consulted, and formulate and justify assumptions based on the evidence that is available.

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