Milestone Four: The Ethical Decision-Making Process
Milestone Four: The Ethical Decision-Making Process
Submit Milestone Four, on the ethical decision-making process, alternative considerations, diversity issues, and multiple role relationships.
For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric document.
Ethical Conflicts and Interactions
Case study: Windy Fluffball
Lesly Ulloa
Ethics in Psychology
Dr. Pamela Fitzpatrick
Case Study Abstract
This event emphasizes the lawful testament of a skilled observer: Dr. Windy Fluffball and his documents remained overstated in addition uncertain. This study will provide a contrast to the APA ethics code and will decide the key elements alleged. Integrity is the primary issue amongst all other issues presented. To examine this case successfully, it is significant to emphasize the ethical model’s decision-making and focus on the APA ethics code. Utilizing these assets can easily show how Dr. Fluffball performed unethically in a case where his documents were required for the success of a public claim of the illegal end.
Detailed Case Study Description
Windy Fluffball decided to work as a skilled witness in a civic complaint that involved wrongful cessation of a medical consciousness alumnus student from a Doctor of Philosophy platform. Dr. Fluffball showed his year in tutoring in addition to his involvement in the Nationwide Emotional Civilization’s Teaching and Misunderstanding Group. Although on questioning, Dr. Fluffball had been mandated to disclose he did not have any teaching, his doctorate was in physical consciousness, that he had no medical training of any type, he had not served as a worker in a medical psychology platform, and he was not an authorized psychologist. Even though Dr. Fluffball had won a selection to the expert consciousness relation, he had to attend any gathering (McClung,2020). Due to Dr. Fluffball’s lack of truthfulness, there was very little weight given to his testament in decision-making, which led to a decision that preferred on the side. Leaving the alumnus student astonished, wondering could he have won the case if Dr. Fluffball could not have worked as a skilled witness expert.
Ethical Conflict
Lack of integrity is the key element in this case study that Dr. Fluffball showed based on his prerequisite that made everyone trust him to serve excellently as a skilled witness in the cour (McClung, 2020)t. Nevertheless, this was much contrary to fact. It’s recorded in the APA ethic code of conduct that “mentalists pursue and endorse truthfulness, trustworthiness, and straightforwardness, discipline, education also exercises consciousness. In these duties’ professionals don’t snip, lie, or else involved in the black market, deception, or worldwide falsification of circumstance. emotionalists struggle and preserve their potentials to evade imprudent and indistinct obligations. circumstances where dishonesty could be morally defensible to get the best out of benefits and lessen harm, psychologists have a thoughtful responsibility to contemplate the necessity for, the likely penalties of, and their duty to spot on any subsequent suspicion or other destructive things that ascend from the usage of such methods”.
Some occupations call for users to apply an extraordinary level of faith in specialists. These include certified public accountants, public prosecutors, medics, and actual lands managers. Consumers must believe the specialists since they are skilled (Sharma, 2020). Nevertheless, any individual who is trusted so much ends up abusing it. For the calling to police force itself and defend the guiltless user, the respective members of this ability are expected to utter profanities to honor a code of deportment to be authorized to conduct the duties. Suppose the skilled expert does contrary to the code of deportment. In that case, an appraisal committee decides what extent the violation was and decides the consequence, which can comprise excluding his or her authorization to exercise. Some of the things that could have an expert uncovered of his authorization include robbery, revealing individual or advantaged facts, or being solely uncaring in the management of a dispute (Sharma, 2020).
McClung, N., Chamberland, M., Kinlaw, K., Matthew, D. B., Wallace, M., Bell, B. P., … & Dooling, K. (2020). The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ ethical principles for allocating initial supplies of COVID-19 vaccine—the United States, 2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(47), 1782.
Sharma, K., Fiechter, M., George, T., Young, J., Alexander, J. S., Bijoor, A., … & Mishra, C. (2020). Conservation and people: Towards an ethical code of conduct for camera traps in wildlife research: ecological Solutions and Evidence, 1(2).