I need first of all 3 things.
1) 4 progress reports for 4 different partners in the group. ( I need them by less than 24 hours.)
This is a one page, typed, single spaced, full block memo complete with headings. It must discuss your topic and its background, your power point, your survey data, and your personal involvement in each of these tasks. It must also include a timeline of due dates and any progress and/or setbacks in this project. It will be assessed according to the department scale.
If you haven’t included a timeline in your report, please attach a copy of the Gantt Chart your group made to it (1 chart for the group). If you did include all the due dates in the report, then save the Gantt Chart for your final paper.
2) Final Paper.
This is the completion report of all the secondary information and survey data collected on the given topic of the team report. All parts must be complete and in order, typed, and submitted online by the due date. I do not allow rewrites for higher grades so be sure to have a completed draft ready by the team conference date. The group must also submit one copy of the team report to the turn it in dropbox before the due date in order for it to be graded.
Parts to the formal report written in APA format
Title page–group member’s name, project title, due date,professor name, logo/graphic
Executive summary–250 words or less, single or double spaced, major overview of the project
Table of contents–headings, subheadings, page numbers
List of Illustrations–Figure number, title, page number
Introduction–target audience, scope, purpose, group member information (name, major, year in school), background information, project overview (what is seen next)
Discussion–power point summary and survey data analysis (methods), any interviews, findings, conclusions
Recommendations–what will be seen in the power point or infographic
References–7 to 10 sources used, cited in text listed here in APA format
Appendices–any extra information referred to in text that doesn’t fit in the body of the paper
3) Final Powerpoint Presenatation.
I have uploaded:
1- our powerpoint presentation introducing our project at the beginning.
2- Our survey responses
3- our Progress timeline to know the due dates.
4- template for the progress report.
NOTE: the progress reports are needed by 24 hours and the rest of the stuff in 15 days.