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Monmouth University Gender and Family Structure Essay


This essay is based on the readings, and other supplemental materials including videos. You will be asked to respond in 1,000 words to following question:

How does gender and the structure of the family impacts the ways in which people interact with one another and the way caretaker roles are placed on individuals based on gender, marital status, and financial security?

The suggested format for responding to each question can be found below. This paper should be typed, double spaced, with pages numbered (with 1-inch margins on all sides in a normal font size no larger than 12) and include in text citations and a bibliography as necessary using course related materials such as your main text or supplemental readings. Further instructions are in the syllabus Under Essays. DUE 5/23


This section of your paper should restate the question and the main subject of your paper, provide

context for your topic, discussmajor historical and contemporarquestions regarding the matter

raised by course readings and clearly state your thesis. This section of your paper should essentiallybe structured to include:

State your subject clearly and the question posed in the assignment.

Describe the context of your topic (time, place, main players,and theimportancewithinthe contextof the conversation)

Thesis statement:

Your position on the topic and interpretation of the evidence. Your thesis is notmerely your opinion

particular subject but rather your position or perspective as informed by

the evidence.

Thesis Articulation (Body Paragraphs)

This section of your paper is the core of the assignment. Here is where you will try to prove your

argument by

describing, analyzing, and integrating evidence to support your claims. Your

paragraphs should all have sound topic sentences and focused on a clear point you are trying to

make in your response to the question. Your paragraphs should generally contain the


Topic sentence

Context and a connection (of point you are advancing) to sources (primary or secondary)

Analysis and argumentation as linked to the evidence and larger point that you are trying to



This section should c

ontain a summary of your main argument and what was proven in your paper.

Show some connections that you made in your research here and explain why this matter is


either as a historical or contemporary topic

Films: *Bri

ck Lane (2007), Directed by Sarah Gavron

*Arranged (2007), Directed by Diane Crespo and Stefan C. Shaefer

*Aravani Girl (2009), Directed by Peter Spenceley

*Naz and Maalik (2015), Directed by Jay Dockendorf

*Saved! (2004), Directed by Brian Dannelly

*Trembling Before Gd (2001), Directed by Sandi Simcha DuBowski

*Boy Erased (2018), Directed by Joel Edgerton

these are the videos you don’t have to watch them, just use them as reference to relate to the essay

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