Teams and teamwork are impacted by the growth of a company to international stature.
- Select a foreign company that has come to the US (not the other way around!), describe how employees communicate between subsidiaries, how do they handle the time differences?
- How are meetings conducted? How much travel is involved for team members?
- If you were a leader in this foreign company, how would you persuade American workers to participate? Would you have trouble evaluating their performance?
Answer each question. Then Write a 3-5 minutes in length response explaining your thoughts on these results. Also, provide an OUTLINE for your thoughts complete with 3-4 references. One reference must be from the textbook and CANNOT use Wikipedia or a dictionary website.
Managing the Global Workforce
Caligiuri, P., Lepak, D., & Bonache, J. (2010). Managing the Global Workforce (Global Dimensions of Business). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell ISBN: 9781405107327