my homework


The final academic research paper is composed of revised drafts of your literature review and researched argument section, an introduction that builds context for the issue, your interest in the issue, and a research question.  You may also include a conclusion that offers a solution or call to action for your readers. 

The introduction should be 1-2 pages that introduces your audience to the issue on which you are writing, your interest in this issue, and the research question which you sought to answer through your research and argument. As you compose your introduction section, you will want to make sure you are not repeating any material directly from the introductions to either your literature review section or your argument section. This means that you might have to adjust your other sections to avoid this repetition. 

The conclusion/call to action is optional. If you choose to include this section in your final paper, you must address some possible solutions for your issue you have written about. If your argument already includes solutions for the issue, then you can leave this optional section out. 

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