-I will provide a data set, and research will be required.
-Using the data I provided locate data. Once you find a data set that has the variables write up the data and methods sections.
-I have included italicized text to help you see where to fill in your data and methods information. Please use my paragraphs. You must follow the American Sociological Association (ASA) format and your sections should look exactly like the sections below (without the italicized fields — you will fill in your data and methods information in those fields:
The data are drawn from the insert the data source agency here. They include information from the year/s insert the years of your data. They include the population/sample of insert the group being surveyed and include n=insert the number of cases in the study insert the unit of analysis here – people, nations, schools, etc.. These data are particularly useful for the analysis because they include measures of insert your measures here. The data are not perfect as they do not consider insert any draw backs or limitations here. Despite this limitation, they do consider the key measures of this study.
The study will measure the effect of insert your independent variable here on insert your dependent variable here. It will compare insert the units of analysis here by insert race, class or gender here, specifically by considering how insert your measures here pattern the outcome of interest.
An example of how your assignment submission should be written:
The data are drawn from the Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. They include information from the year 2017-2018. They include the population of all high school students in Los Angeles Unified School District (N=170,093). These data are particularly useful for the analysis because they include measures of race and gender and graduation rates. The data are not perfect as they do not consider students who have dropped out prior to 9th grade. Despite this limitation, they do consider the key measures of this study.
Data Study: https://dq.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/