need help with media paper


Guidelines for Media Foundation Course Project

Project Overview

Overview: This is an individual project involving analyzing the media coverage given a global event and/or issue. Your task is 1) to apply the media concepts and theories we have learned from class and 2) produce a content analysis comparing and contrasting how different countries, political parties, or media outlets report and approach an event/issue similarly and differently. It could be an event (e.g., health/economy/politics crisis), an issue (e.g., poverty, education injustice, sexism), or a news story (e.g., a celebrity’s scandal, affair, a sports game).

Length: 8-12 pages double spaced (not including references and appendices), 1-inch margins

Writing style: APA (not following APA style will result in penalty)

Grading: The paper will be graded on the quality of your critical analysis, plus writing, organization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Anti-plagiarism software will be used to help detect plagiarism.

Your paper should be organized into the following sections.

  1. Title page. This page should indicate the title of your paper
  2. Introduction. The first section of the paper is an introduction that represents a concise statement of the problem under investigation (a health issue, crisis, etc.). Prior to the problem statement, you are suggested to write a brief introduction of the problem.
  3. Theoretical Foundation. This section involves a literature review of agenda-setting and framing theoretical frameworks, as well as relevant research.
  4. Implementation. This section involves articulating two key elements: (1) media outlets/platforms you would like to compare, (2) time frame of the media coverage you intend to investigate.
  5. Main findings. Discuss your main finding, and speculate the possible behind reasons for the similarities and differences (e.g., political, economic, ideological, and cultural factors, etc.)
  6. References or bibliography.


APA formatting and style guide:

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