need paper written


Written Paper Guidelines:

Submission format:

Each student will submit a research paper. The paper will consist of:

• APA formatted document; double space, and a minimum of 12 pages

• A cover sheet containing the title of the paper, the student name, and the names of each student member

• Table of contents identifying major sections of the paper and the corresponding page number

• Executive summary

• The written paper

• References

Format for bibliography entries examples:


Furst, Stacie A, & Cable, Daniel M (2008). Employee resistance to organizational change: managerial influence tactics and leader-member exchange. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(2), 453-62.


Glaser, B.G. and Strauss, A. L. (1967), The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research, AldineTransaction, Piscataway, NJ.


Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation, National Transportation Statistics, Table 1-50,, accessed December 30, 2013

Figures and Tables

Any figures or tables should be imbedded within the text where appropriate. Do not reference a table or figure and then place at the end of the paper as an attachment or appendix. Your references should use the end notes feature within Microsoft Word. This approach will cause the references to be sequentially listed at the end of the paper. Page 18 of 23


The written paper should be double-spaced. Headings and sub-heading should be used as appropriate to assist the reader in identifying major sections of the paper. Major headings must be used for the Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion sections. You may use other heading names as appropriate for your paper.

The bibliography is single spaced. A single line should be inserted between each reference.

Additional writing resources

If assistance is required with developing your writing skills, several texts are available that may be of assistance:


Hodges, J.C. and M.E. Whitten. Harbrace College Handbook, 9th ed. (1984), New York: Harcourt brace Jovanovich.

Corbett, E.P. The Little English Handbook: Choices and Conventions, 4th ed. (1984), Glenview, IL: Scott, Foreman and Company


Strunk, W. Jr., and E.B. White. The Elements of Style, 3rd ed. (1990), Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press


Bernstein, T.M. The Careful Writer: A Modern Guide to English Usage, New York: Atheneum. American Psychological Association. APA Manual, 5th ed. (2001), Washington, D.C.

Szuchman, L.T. and B. Thomlison, Writing with Style: APA Style for Social Work, (2000), Blemont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.


This paper should be written for a target audience of business professionals. As a result, you need to write in a very direct, concise, and business-like style. As a result, you will need to use sources with current information to include extensive internet searches. Please ensure you carefully well document all sources used in your research.

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