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New York University Management of a Moto Vehicle Company Essay


Please Note:  Due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), if you do not feel comfortable conducting a face to face interview, you will be allowed to conduct a telephone interview.  You will need for the interviewee to provide you with a letter of proof showing the date that the interview was conducted, on the organization’s letterhead.  An email from the interviewee will also suffice, as long as it shows the date of the interview, the person’s name, title, the organization, their email address and telephone number.  You are required to include this information when submitting your project.

Community Leadership Interview Project

Your assignment is to conduct a face to face interview with someone in a leadership position from your community (minimum of 2 years of experience) working for an Organization that you find interesting. The organization can be from government, business, public service, not-for-profit organization, religious, volunteer position, etc. Please do not interview someone from your own family. You should contact the individual to set up a time and date for your interview. It is recommended that you dress appropriately for this interview as you should make a positive impression on the leader. Remember to be respectful of their time and to bring your questions, along with a pen and paper, to your interview session for taking notes. If the individual is comfortable allowing you to record the interview, that is fine but please make sure to ask their permission prior to the face to face meeting. Submit your interview report in ‘normal’ single space and submit a minimum of two, but no more than four total pages.

The following information is required:
Your name, name of the leader being interviewed, leaders title, the name of the leaders’ organization

Date of interview
Location of interview
Photograph of both you and the leader together, preferably in front of the business name/logo (if possible), otherwise a note from the leader on the organization’s letterhead acknowledging the interview was conducted will suffice.

Interview questions required to be included are the following (make sure to clearly identify the question before providing the answer):

  1. Can you provide an early example of when you demonstrated leadership skills?
  2. How do you monitor the performance of the people that you have to lead?
  3. Are you able to delegate responsibilities efficiently? What is your approach?
  4. How would you describe your leadership style?
  5. How do you motivate your team?
  6. What values are most important to you as a leader?
  7. Are you comfortable collaborating with others and accepting new ideas?
  8. How do you handle disagreements with co-workers?
  9. Who is your favorite leader? Why?
  10. Are you more comfortable with verbal or written communication?
  11. How do you respond to criticism?
  12. Can you tell me about a time when you solved a problem for your employees/employer?
  13. How do you measure your own performance at work?
  14. What strengths do you bring to your current role?
  15. How do you deal with change and what is your approach in leading your team through the process of change.

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