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NRS 428VN Risks and Prevention of Hypertension Teaching Experience Summary


NRS 428VN Risks and Prevention of Hypertension Teaching Experience Summary

NRS 428VN Risks and Prevention of Hypertension Teaching Experience Summary


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Primary prevention and health promotion of hypertension in the community

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Primary prevention and health promotion of hypertension in the community

The prevention and health promotion of hypertension are the main public health issues globally. If an increase in blood pressure with age may be prevented, much of hypertension could be prevented. When hypertension is controlled poorly, it contributes to several health problems that kidney disease, stress, high salt diet, obesity, thyroid disorders, smoking, lack of exercise, and sleep apnea (Program, 2020). The occurrence of hypertension increases globally. Some studies show that lifestyle-changing is among the factors related to the occurrence of hypertension. Hypertension is considered to be the main issue of health worldwide. Some studies show that the majority of people having hypertension are living in middle and low-income nations. Premature death is worldwide has been caused by hypertension. The health care nurses are trying hard to promote good health for preventing hypertension. This paper explains the health promotion in the community primary health care setting regarding community nursing and a health care priority of hypertension. It also gives the risk factors related to hypertension and nursing diagnosis.

Risk factors

The community should be addressed regarding the risk factors related to hypertension. There are various factors that increase the risk of hypertension. The first factor is age. People who are 60 years and above are likely to get hypertension. Another factor is ethnicity. There are some ethnic groups that are more likely to get hypertension compared to another ethnic groups. For instance, African Americans are more prone to a higher risk of hypertension compared to other ethnic group. Consumption of tobacco and alcohol is another factor (Whelton, 2012). Consuming alcohol and tobacco in large quantities increases the risk of hypertension. Existing health conditions are another factor (Whelton, 2012). Having health conditions like diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease may lead to hypertension. Sex is also a risk factor for hypertension. According to studies, males are likely to develop a higher risk for hypertension compared to females.

Nursing Diagnosis

The community should be given adequate information regarding the nursing diagnosis for hypertension. One of the nursing diagnosis is activity Intolerance. This is where insufficient physiological energy to complete the needed daily activities. This should be done by evaluating the degree to patient activity intolerance along with when it happens. The patient should be monitored on the response to activities such as heart rate. Another nursing diagnosis is Ineffective Coping (Douglas, 2020). This is the incapability of forming a valid stressors appraisal, insufficient choices of practiced responses, incapability of utilizing the availability of the resources. The intervention required is working with the patient in developing a care plan, as well as encouraging participation in the plan. Another nursing diagnosis is imbalanced Nutrition (Douglas, 2020). Intake of nutrients surpasses metabolic requirements. The risk factors for hypertension, along with control of blood pressure, are obesity, hyperlipidemia, and endocrine disorders. The patient should be given information regarding the connection between obesity and hypertension.

Primary prevention of hypertension

The community should be addressed in various ways of preventing hypertension. One of the ways in maintaining a healthy diet. The community should be given adequate information on ways to maintain and losing weight. Another way is eating a balanced diet. The community should be given a range of foods that healthy and can help in keeping blood pressure under control. Another way is cutting back on salt (McCoy & Pat, 2020). The community should be advised on reducing sodium intake and not to add in the meals extra salt. Another way is exercising regularly. The community should be advised to engage in physical activity. Another way is reducing alcohol. Too much consumption of alcohol may lead to high blood pressure. Another way is monitoring blood pressure. The community should be advised on having their blood pressure measured often.


In conclusion, Healthy People 2010 has recognized the community as a major partner for achieving health goals along with outcomes. Partnerships with a group of a community like religious, civil, and philanthropic give local orientation that is focused on the needs of health for a diverse population. Community service organizations may promote the prevention of hypertension by giving educational messages along with lifestyle supporting services. Also, by starting screening for cardiovascular risk factors as well as referral programs.


Douglas, M. (2020). Hypertension Nursing Diagnosis: 6 Care Plans for Any Patient. Retrieved           12 April 2020, from https://blog.prepscholar.com/hypertension-nursing-diagnosis-care  plan

The program, N. (2020). Prevention of Hypertension: Public Health Challenges. Retrieved 12        April 2020, from               https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK9637/

McCoy, K., & Pat F. Bass III, M. (2020). 6 Ways to Prevent Hypertension | Everyday Health.        Retrieved 12 April 2020,       from https://www.everydayhealth.com/hypertension/preventing.aspx

Whelton, P. K., He, J., Appel, L. J., Cutler, J. A., Havas, S., Kotchen, T. A., … & Karimbakas, J.          (2012). Primary prevention of hypertension: clinical and public health advisory from The  National High Blood Pressure Education Program. Jama288(15), 1882-1888.

Douglas, M. (2020). Hypertension Nursing Diagnosis: 6 Care Plans for Any Patient. Retrieved           12 April 2020, from https://blog.prepscholar.com/hypertension-nursing-diagnosis-care  plan

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