Write a nursing care plan for a patient with Myocardial Infarction.
These is just an example of how it should be
Nursing diagnosis
Hey, yes looking I the work, you need to fully state the nursing diagnoses for example say “….. related to ….as evidence by …”. something like this
Acute pain related to presence of surgical incision as evidence by facial grimacing and Pt report of pain
state one goal related to the nursing diagnosis and it must measurable an example or achieved within a specific time. An example could be:
Patient’s incision site will remain free of sings and symptoms of infection for next 10 days
Intervention and rational
– Acknowledge and accept the client’s pain.Rational: it is the duty of a nurse ask and know if the Pt is in pain and the pain level.
– Provide cognitive therapy (non pharmacological) like distraction and guided imagery. Rational it helps to draw the Pt away from the pain and lessens the perception of pain.
– Administer analgesic as indicated. Its relief pain facilitates cooperation with other therapeutic intervention.
-Assess pain noting the location and severity in a scale of 0-10. Useful in monitoring the effectiveness of medication.
– patient should be protected from Infection related to impaired skin integrity