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NURS416 Well Child Developmental Assessment Research Paper


NURS416 Well Child Developmental Assessment Paper

NURS416 Well Child Developmental Assessment Paper


Paper need to be done on either a one year old or two years old should be APA format with 5 references :Use the example on World Child developmental assessment I send to you to do the paper the other two are rubric for the paper

Ricci, Susan Scott, and Terry Kyle, Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 2nd edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2013. NURS416 Well Child Developmental Assessment Paper

Study Guide for Ricci and Kyle’s Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 2nd editionLippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Use the


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  • open in full 24px minwordattachment_3attachment_3open in full 24px minCourse No. and Name:  NURS 416 Nursing Care of the Child and Family            Clinical Number of Credits:   02    (2 credits lecture: 8 clock hours) Name of Instructor: Office Location:        Office Telephone#:   Office Fax#:               Office Email:            Office Hours:             By Appointment only 
    1. Course Prerequisites: Successful completion of NURS 380/381, NURS 385/386, NURS 400 SOWK 300, and all general education courses of the freshmen, sophomore and junior year of the progression plan.
    1. Course Description:
    This clinical course focuses on the nursing care of children and adolescents within the family system. Applying the concepts of caring behaviors, communication, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, leadership, nursing process in the professional nursing role. Students will implement therapeutic nursing interventions specific for selected children and adolescents in acute and community- based health care settings. III.  Role Specific Graduate Competencies (SLO-Student Learning Outcomes):
    1. Caring Behaviors- SLO 2
    2. Culturally Congruent Care SLO 4
    3. Ethical and Legal Framework SLO 7, 8
    4. Critical Thinking- SLO 2
    5. Communication – SLO 3
    6. Professional Nursing Role- SLO 1
    7. Evidence Based Practice SLO 6
    8. Leadership SLO 5
    1. Student Learning Outcomes, the student will be able to:
    1. Apply the nursing process as it relates to theoretical principles in the nursing management of children and adolescents within the family system.
    2. Integrate caring behaviors, critical thinking and clinical reasoning in the therapeutic management of the pediatric client and family.
    3. Implement effective, age appropriate, therapeutic communication skills in the care of children and adolescents within the family system.
    4. Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions that are congruent with the cultural beliefs, traditions, and behaviors of families.
    5. Demonstrate leadership skills to serve as a member of the health care team in the clinical setting.
    6. Incorporate research findings in care planning.
    7. Appraise health policies and laws that impact pediatric nursing practice.
    8. Integrate health policies from legislative and governing bodies into nursing practice.
    9. Debate the outcomes of ethical dilemmas that arise in the care of the pediatric client.
    1. Required Texts:
    Ricci, Susan Scott, and Terry Kyle, Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 2nd edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2013 Study Guide for Ricci and Kyle’s Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 2nd editionLippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2013  
    1. Recommended/Supplemental Text or Reference Material
     Gulanick, M. and Myers, J. (2010).  Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions and    Outcomes  (7th ed).  St. Louis, MO: Mosby  ISBN 9780323065375 vSim for Nursing | Maternity and Pediatric, Laerdal Medical and Wolters Kluwer Health, Philadelphia, 2014.  VII. Student Requirements/Guidelines  
    • The student will adhere to the academic regulations and requirements of the current Bowie State University Undergraduate Academic Catalog regarding attendance.
    • Assignments. You will be asked to complete a variety of assignments that will help accentuate the concepts, methods and strategies learned in the course.  Each assignment will be worth points (see evaluation) and will be explained before you begin.  Assignments are to be submitted on time and via electronic media (Black Board).  All assignments must display knowledge of the content standards and principles of the program.  Assignments must be completed on time and in compliance with specified guidelines.  Assignments submitted late are subject to 5 points reduction for each day late.  Assignments submitted after three (3) business days may not be accepted.
    • Student advisement will occur during scheduled office hours or by appointment.  NURS416 Well Child Developmental Assessment Paper
    • All students must meet with their academic advisor at least once during the
    •  All written work must be in scholarly format consistent with APA guidelines.
    • Students must earn a grade of 75% or higher to successfully pass a
    nursing course.
    • Students are expected to take exams and quizzes at the scheduled time.  Make-up exams will only be considered in the case of an EXCUSED absence, with notification to the instructor before the scheduled exam administration time. NURS416 Well Child Developmental Assessment Paper
    • Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism
    Students will abide by the University Policy regarding Academic Honesty in the current Bowie State University Undergraduate Academic Catalog.
    • Contacting the Instructor
      Office hours are listed above.  If you need to reach me anytime other than those listed above, the most effective way is via email using your Bowie State University email account only.
    • Incomplete Grades
      Students will abide by the grading system according to the University Policy in the current Bowie State University Undergraduate Academic Catalog
    • Special Needs/Disabilities
      Students who have a disability and who would like accommodations should report immediately to Disability Support Services (DSS), located in Room 1328 in the Business and Graduate Studies Building or call Dr. Michael S. Hughes, DSS Coordinator at 301-860-4067.
    • Technology
      This course is web enhanced with Blackboard. Students can access using the following link https://bsuonline.blackboard.com/webapps/login/.   If assistance is needed with initiating an account, please call the OIT Helpdesk@ 301 860- 4357
    Course material and announcements will be posted on BlackBoard. Students will be held accountable for posted material and announcements. Cell phones, pagers, beepers or any other “attention-grabbing” device are to be turned off or silenced before class begins. It is distracting and discourteous to both the instructor and your colleagues. VIII.   Instructional Modes:Clinical Laboratory SimulationsClinical ConferencesClinical ObservationsAssessment(s) and Care Plan(s)Interactive SoftwareDemonstrations & Audiovisual AidsLaboratory InstructionDiscussionWritten Assignments   
    1. Grading/Evaluation Procedures:
     Clinical Evaluation Tool   50%                                                    A = 92-100%SBAR Note #1   5%                                                                                  B = 83 -91%Care Plan    15%                                                                                             C = 75 – 82%Well Child Paper  20%                                                                       D = 68 -74%Journals    5%                                                                                                             F = Below 67.5 %ATI skill modules/ Dosage calculations (Clinical Folder) 5%Medication Calculations Test 2 attempts @ 90% or greater- Pass or Fail Final grade ending > .5 will berounded up to nearest whole number   Clinical Folder Check off listATI skills module– You should print off the pre/posttest completion and put in clinical folder. The certificate of completion has to be within 1 year calendar year from the start of the course. The student is required to bring all documents for the clinical folder for each clinical session. DUE first day of clinical. 
    • Dosage 2.0 Dosage by weight test____
    • Dosage 2.0- Pediatric Medication test____
    • Physical Assessment of child _____
    • Nutrition, Feeding, and Eating _____
    • Blood Administration _____
    • Diabetes Management _____
    • Enteral Tube Feedings _____
    • HIPAA_____
    • Enemas _____
    • IV therapy _____
    • Oxygen Therapy _____
    • Pain Management _____
     Skills check list 
    • Inhaler _____
    • Nasal medication _____
    • Oral and Liquid _____
    • Sublingual and Buccal _____
              Student______________________________ Date______________ Evaluator______________________________ Score_____% CriteriaBelow AverageAverageExcellentCommentsClient introduction data to include all assigned criteria. (5%)  Level 400Client introduction includes 6 or less of 12 assigned criteria.   (0-1%) Level 400Client introduction includes 9 or less of assigned criteria.  (2-3%) Level 400Client introduction includes ten (10) to twelve (12) assigned criteria.  (4-5%) Level 400 Holistic and comprehensive assessment data (20%) Six (6) or fewer areas of the assessment are complete with vital signs, pertinent medical and social histories, and incomplete list of all applicable problems. (problems not stated in NANDA format)  (0-15%) Level 400 Nine (9) or fewer areas of the assessment are complete with vital signs, pertinent medical and social histories, and incomplete list of all applicable problems (NANDA stem & etiology only) (16-18%) Level 400 Ten (10) to twelve (12) areas of the assessment are complete with vital signs, pertinent medical and social histories, and list of all applicable problems (NANDA stem & etiology only)    (19-20%) Level 400  Diagnoses(20%)½ of the nursing diagnoses are identified based on the holistic assessment. (0-2%) Level 400¾ of the nursing diagnoses are identified based on the holistic assessment. (3-4%) Level 400All nursing diagnoses are identified based on the holistic assessment.  (5%) Level 400  ½ of the nursing diagnoses are correctly listed and prioritized. (0-2%) Level 400¾ of the nursing diagnoses are correctly listed and prioritized. NURS416 Well Child Developmental Assessment Paper (3-4%) Level 400All of the nursing diagnoses are correctly listed and prioritized.  (5%) Level 400  ½ of the nursing diagnoses are prioritized. (0-2%) Level 400¾ of the nursing diagnoses are prioritized. (3-4%) Level 400All of the nursing diagnoses are prioritized. (5%) Level 400  Diagnoses for the care plan is missing two parts.(0-2%) Level 400Diagnoses for the care plan is missing one part.(3-4%) Level 400All parts of the diagnoses for the care plan are correct.(5%) Level 400 Planning (15%)Goal is appropriate for the diagnosis and written using SMART criteria. The goal is not appropriate for the outcomes.    (0-5%) Level 400Goal is appropriate for the diagnosis and written using SMART criteria. The goal is appropriate for two (2) outcomes    (6-10%) Level 400Goal is appropriate for the diagnosis and written using SMART criteria.  The goal is appropriate for all three (3) outcomes.   (11-15%) Level 400 Interventions(18%)  Only One (1) intervention is developed per outcome.   (0-3%) Level 400Two (2) or fewer interventions are developed per outcome.  (4-6%) Level 400Three (3) interventions are developed per outcome.   (7-9%) Level 400  Three (3) interventions are stated using actions verbs. (0-1%) Level 400Six (6) Interventions are stated using actions verbs. (2-6%) Level 400Nine (9) Interventions are stated using actions verbs.  (7-9%) Level 400 Rationales(10%)Three or fewer rationales are not scientific and not cited per APA format.   (0-3%) Level 400Three (3) to six (6) of the interventions have scientific rationales with correct citation per APA format. (4-6%) Level 400Seven (7) to nine (9) interventions have scientific rationales with correct citation per APA format.  (7-10%) Level 400 Evaluation(9%)Evaluative statement as to whether goal is met, partially met or unmet is made for one or none of the outcomes. Re-plan statement(s) for improving the plan of care are not made for unmet and partially met outcomes  (0-3%) Level 400Evaluative statement as to whether the goal is met, partially met or unmet is made for two of the outcomes. Re-plan statement(s) for improving the plan of care are made for two unmet and partially met outcomes (4-8%) Level 400Evaluative statements per outcome stated goal is met, partially met or unmet is made for all three outcomes. Re-plan statement(s) for improving the plan of care are made for all unmet and partially met outcomes. NURS416 Well Child Developmental Assessment Paper   (9%) Level 400 References and Grammar(3%)References on the reference list are not all in the narrative and are not according to APA format. Writing with some correct spelling and grammar  (0-1%) Level 400References in the reference list are not all in the narrative and are not according to APA format. Writing with correct spelling and grammar (2%) Level 400References in the reference list are in the narrative and are according to APA format. Writing with correct spelling and grammar   (3%) Level 400  Approved:Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 9-20-18Faculty Organization 9-27-18                                    SBAR Note Grading RubricStudent Name:____________________ Date:__________________Grade__________% (____total points received/5) CommentsPoints ReceivedSituation:Provide a concise statement of the problem.1.2%   Background:State the pertinent and brief information related to the situation.0.60%  Assessment:Summarize situation and background. Explained what is going on with patient with appropriate assessment data. 2%  Recommendation: Describe/Explain what action requested/recommended1.0%  Grammar:Correct grammar, spelling, clear concise data,0.20  Total 5%                 NURS 416 CLINICAL REFLECTIVE JOURNAL/LOG Objective(s): Through reflective thought the student will compare and identify how their activities and observations relate to various management theories. Each student will submit a clinical journal for each day in the field. Describe your experiences and how they apply to the learning objective. Apply at least one of the learning objectives listed below to each entry. Must identify at the top of journal entry what objective below that you be writing about. Word limit 100-500 words. 
    1. Apply the nursing process as it relates to theoretical principles in the nursing management of children and adolescents within the family system.
    2. Integrate caring behaviors, critical thinking and clinical reasoning in the therapeutic management of the pediatric client and family.
    3. Implement effective, age appropriate, therapeutic communication skills in the care of children and adolescents within the family system.
    4. Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions that are congruent with the cultural beliefs, traditions, and behaviors of families.
    5. Demonstrate leadership skills to serve as a member of the health care team in the clinical setting.
    6. Incorporate research findings in care planning.
    7. Appraise health policies and laws that impact pediatric nursing practice.
    8. Debate the outcomes of ethical dilemmas that arise in the care of the pediatric client.
     Your journals are due to your clinical instructor the following week after your clinical experience.                   Nurs 416 Journal Rubric Student Name: ____________________ Date:__________________Grade__________% (____total points received 1)   CommentsPoints ReceivedIdentified one learning objective in reflection 0.25%   Describe your experiences and how they apply to the learning objective. 0.60  Correct grammar, spelling, clear concise data, and meet the word limit 100-500 words. 0.15  Total 1%                       Well Child Developmental Assessment Paper Guidelines Students will conduct a developmental assessment met in a home setting to identify factors influencing a child’s development. WELL CHILD DEVELOPMENTAL ASSESSMENT PAPER (20%)Each student will conduct a pediatric developmental assessment in order to facilitate his/her learning of the multiple, predictable aspects of a child’s growth and development.  The student will also assess the child’s home environment to identify some of the factors influencing the child’s development.  Following the visit, a written paper will be due which will include physiologic and psychosocial assessment data, goals for the child and family, interventions, and recommendations. I.               PROCEDURE FOR THE VISITIdentify a well child (1 month – 10 years of age) either in a home or school environment.  The child should not be a member of the student’s immediate family. For home visits, you will be conducting a developmental and a home assessment for a child birth to 10 years of age.  For school students, you may conduct a systematic assessment of their developmental status and identify environmental factors located in the school which are aimed at stimulating their development. Some suggested parameters to include:
    1. birth date, age, and gender
    2. growth parameters – use growth charts based on the
    • For children < 2 years, use the Birth to 36 months 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
      • length for age
      • weight for age
      • head circumference for age
      • weight for length
    • For children > 2 years, use the 2-20 years 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
    • stature for age
    • weight for age
    • BMI for age
    1. nutritional status
    2. development – remember the different aspects of development
    3. family
    • Who lives in the home and what are their roles with the child?
    • What influences do they have on the child’s development?
    • Is the child cared for outside of the home and what impact does that have on the child and his/her family?
    1. home environment or school assessment–
    • include safety issues that may not be covered by this tool, i.e.: guns in home, helmets w/ bikes, harmful chemicals within reach, etc.
    1. Interpret the child’s growth percentiles.
    1. Describe and interpret child developmental findings. Select at least two developmental theorists and compare the child’s development.
    1. Assess the child’s environment in the areas of cognitive and social emotional support, safety, nutrition, and list factors that facilitate or inhibit the child’s growth and development. Or, if school based, describe environmental factors you have identified that are stimulating the child’s development
    1. Discuss problems to be addressed, nursing diagnoses, and needs. If there are no problems, discuss anticipatory guidance needs.
     3) GOALS – for child and family 4) INTERVENTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS – to maintain and promote growth, development and health of the child.  Include documented rationale. 5)  REFERENCE LIST – Use APA format.                                SECTION                                                                                                                                                      POSSIBLE POINTS ASSESSMENT: Collection of Subjective and Objective Data
    1. Growth Chart                                                                                                 5pts
    2. Nutritional Status (24-hour food diary)                                                             5pts
    3. Family Assessment                                                                                     5pts
    4. Pediatric Home Environment                                                       5pts
     Total points                                                                                                                                                                 20pts ANALYSIS OF DATA 
    1. Child’s Growth and Development (must reference
     two developmental theorist)                                                                                                           15pts
    1. Child’s Home Environment                                                                         10pts
    2. Factors that facilitate/inhibit G&D                                                             10pts
    3. Discussion of identified problems                                                             15pts
     Total Points                                                                                                                                                                 50pts GOALS: 
    1. 2 for Child                                                                                                                                                                         4pts
    2. 2 for Family                                                                                                 4pts
     Total Points                                                                                                                                                                 8pts INTERVENTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS: 
    1. Maintenance of current Health Practices                                                             10pts
    2. Promotion of health, growth & development                                                 10pts
     Total Points                                                                                                                                                                 20pts APA FORMATING:                                                                                                                                                            2pts  TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS:                                                                                                                                100pts

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