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  • Objectives: Students will use the culmination of their learning to independently

Objectives: Students will use the culmination of their learning to independently


Objectives: Students will use the culmination of their learning to independently explain a social problem according to theorists and theories from each discipline. Mastery of content, thinking skills, communication skills (written and other), and the ability to establish and explain connections will be demonstrated in this task.Task: Answer the question: “How can anthropology, psychology, and sociology explain ________________?” In other words, analyze a current problem or issue facing society through the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Apply your knowledge and understanding of one theorist and/or theory from each discipline to the issue.Process:Select an issue (or “topic”) from the list below.Gather, record in your own words, and cite background and current information about the issue.Gather, record in your own words, and cite information from one theorist and/or one theory from each discipline as are relevant to the issue.Organize the information in a useful and meaningful way.Explain the issue using the information you now have. Share your findings in an essay of not more than 3 pages (1 and half spacing, font 12)Gender Inequality, Violence/Sexual Assault, Domestic violence, Declining university attendance for males, Declining OSSLT test scores for males, Sex selection and the abortion of female fetusesPoverty, Indigenous Canadians, Unemployment amongst millennials, Single parent families, Impact of poverty on education, Youth homelessness, Refugees/Newcomers , Lack of affordable living in the GTADrug Addictions- Fentanyl Crisis, Obesity, Underage Drinking/Binge Drinking, Video game addiction, Phone addiction, Self-harm, Dieting/eating disorders, VapingYouth/ Crimes/ Radicalization, Gangs, School violence, Terrorism- ISIS, Hate Crimes, White Nationalism/Neo-Nazis, Skipping classes, Graphic sexual or violent content in music videos, Mass shootings in the USDiscrimination Against Black Canadians, Muslims, and Indigenous Canadians, Disabled Canadians, LGBTQ+Asians, Others: _____________Media and Technology, Cyberbullying, Body image issues, Hyper consumerism (fast fashion) Climate change, Mental Illness Anxiety Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder , Mood Disorder, Schizophrenic Disorders, Personality Disorders, Substance Related Disorders.See Rubric on page below…Culminating Performance Task Rubric: Thirty Percent of Your Final GradeStrandSuccess CriteriaYour PerformanceKnowledgeand Understanding (40)A clear definition and a detailed explanation of the issueThinking (40)The Anthropological/Psychological/Sociological significance of the issue and why it is important to study the issueCommunication (20)SpellingGrammarCapitalizationPunctuationVerb tensesSubject-verb agreementTotal:         /100

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