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Observations of Special Situations in Education


In this Module 4 Application, you will analyze data from the Lacy Elementary School cafeteria and how special situations impact the overall environment. You will then develop a plan of action to address your observations and design a professional development session using a digital format with audio.

  • Choose digital format that allows for a visual presentation with audio.
  • Create a reference list in APA format.
  • Follow the directions to complete Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the assignment.
  • Follow the directions to submit your final digital presentation.

Part 1: Profile of a Special Situation

Follow these steps as preparation for Part 3, a presentation for your staff:

Step 1: Read the Lacy Elementary School’s Profile: Special Situations Analysis of the School Cafeteria, available in this document below.

Step 2: Identify those elements that help keep the cafeteria calm, orderly, safe, and well managed, along with those actions that contribute to different management or behavioral problems.

Step 3: Classify the observations into the following five areas.

  • Student Characteristics, Issues, and Factors
    Conduct assessments of the students in the cafeteria who are demonstrating appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Note where this behavior is occurring (e.g., in the line, at the tables, during the clearing process, when exiting). Note how students are responding to others’ inappropriate behavior, as well as how the on-site staff is responding to different groups of students.
  • Teacher/Staff Characteristics, Issues, and Factors
    Assess what the teachers and staff in the cafeteria are doing, what they are supposed to be doing, and how they are influencing and/or responding to appropriate versus inappropriate student behavior.
  • Environmental Characteristics, Issues, and Factors—Physical Plant and Logistics
    Conduct assessments of the physical characteristics and conditions of the cafeteria, and how students and staff are physically/logistically moving in and around the cafeteria (e.g., in the line, through the serving area, when clearing their tables, upon exiting). Note how these physical and logistical factors are contributing to a safe and orderly environment, or a chaotic, problematic one.
  • Incentives and Consequences
    Assess the incentives and consequences for the students relative to their appropriate and inappropriate behavior, respectively, in the cafeteria. Note who gives these incentives and consequences, and how they contribute to the climate of the setting and the interactions of the students.
  • Resources
    Assess the resources in the cafeteria (e.g., the people, materials, space, technology) and how they are being used. Note how these resources are making the cafeteria experience successful for the students and staff, or how they could improve the success of the experience if they were used more or more effectively.

Step 4: Summarize the most pressing or significant issues, identifying priorities by ranking each according to importance.

Part 2: The Action Plan

Follow these steps as preparation for Part 3, a presentation for your staff:

Step 1: Using the significant issues and their ranking from Part 1, Step 4, develop an action plan for resolving these concerns. Begin by identifying 3-5 professionals you would select to be on an intervention team, those who would be willing to support and lead the needed changes.

Step 2: Define the mission of the team.

Step 3: Create 1 – 2 research questions to identify hidden needs (such as “Which group should be targeted first for intervention/training development (teacher, administration, student, paraprofessional, other)?”).

Step 4: As you prepare your presentation for the staff, put the significant issues in order of importance and find corresponding quotations from the research which address the needs (such as presence of bullying ~ Smith (2010) says…).

Part 3: Building Community Actions Professional Development

Design a professional development session for the staff of the school using a digital format with audio. In the session, address practical ways of bringing consistent responses to common areas in the school.

NOTE: There are software and free online screen share programs that allow for voice speech combined with visual presentation, such as PowerPoint, Prezi, Powtoon, etc.

The audio-visual presentation should include these elements (not necessarily in this order):

  • Introduction to the issue or problem (what students should do versus what they are actually doing – expectations).
  • Specific observed inappropriate behaviors, actions, etc.
  • Specific Location area of problem(s)
  • Current staff (student) handling of situation.
  • Desired staff (student) handling of situation.
  • How to get staff and students from current to desired actions.
  • Identification of the intervention team members.
  • Description of the intervention team’s role in the improvement process.
  • Supporting References.

NOTE: While the mock data may focus on the elementary level, feel free to adjust your presentation for any instructional situation (i.e. K-12, Higher Ed, etc.).

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