Class enrollment. it will have a menu to select if want to register, enroll or remove a student from a course or check the schedule of each course. It will contain a textbook, Dropdowns, Labels, Buttons, and JOptionPane. The user will be able to add its information to the app and enroll or be removed from a course. And will be able to watch the schedule of the courses to know if can enroll or not. If the course is full will be a waiting list. I will use list that contains Courses, list that contains Students, and queue that contains students in waiting list for each course. I will use bubble sort as a sorting routine. In text files I will store students information, courses information and waiting list. Finally, the data will be stored when the program exit and will be loaded from the text files when the program starts.
Minimum requirements:Your term project program must include:
- Something that you are interested in (an intrinsic motivator)
- A Java Swing front-end GUI
- At least 2 of the following ADTs: List, Tree, Stack, Queue, Priority Queue, Deque, Map, Set
- At least 5 distinct custom classes that you code in separate files
- One sort algorithm coded from scratch, and one search algorithm
- Handling of bad user input (input validation)
- Persistent data that is saved and read from a file(s); in other words, you should be able to exit the program and reopen it and the data is still there.