Opinion New 5.1.


Opinion New 5.1.

Opinion New 5.1.


Kimbrilee Schmitz 

2 posts

Re:Module 5 DQ 1

Should elements within a course that require developing procedural versus declarative memory be interspersed chronologically or separated into distinct stages? Why? What order, if any, is likely to maximize learning rate? Why? Opinion New 5.1.

When developing procedural and declarative memory, teaching should be done to intersperse information that uses  both types of memory.  Procedural memory matures first in individuals and uses the repetition of information to acquire and later retrieve this knowledge. The use of procedural memory is a slower process because of the use of repetition but ensures that there are representations available for declarative memory. Declarative memory matures later than procedural memory and links representations. Having representations to link to is a vital part of declarative memory. Declarative memory has a more rapid process for acquiring and retrieving information when compared to procedural memory (Lum, Kidd, Davis, & Conti-Ramsden, 2010). By interspersing the use of procedural and declarative memory, a person can use both repetition and the linking of representations to remember information. Because procedural memory matures first and builds the representations that may be required for declarative memory it should be taught first. Once the representations are present , declarative memory can use these representations to build new related memories.


Lum, J., Kidd, E., Davis, S., & Conti-Ramsden, G. (2010). Longitudinal study of declarative and procedural memory in primary school-aged children. Australian Journal Of Psychology, 62(3), 139-148. Retrieved from: https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=52975994&site=eds-live&scope=site

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