OverviewAs an HR consultant, you are exceeding the expectations ofthe leadership team of the U.S. branch. Along with the change management plan,your memo emphasizing the need for leaders to coach, mentor, and inspire theworkforce to participate in the change process was well received by the VP andthe leadership team of the U.S. branch.Now you decide to preempt questions regarding leadershipdevelopment initiatives that can be deployed at the U.S. branch to improveemployee engagement or reduce attrition. To highlight how leadershipdevelopment initiatives influence employee engagement, you decide to share thecase study of a successful company. Apart from the case study, you will alsosubmit your analysis on how these initiatives can develop “change leaders” atthe U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions provider. You will alsoinclude your suggestions about the delivery methods for these leadershipdevelopment initiatives.PromptWrite a brief to document your analysis of the leadershipdevelopment initiatives of the Campbell Soup Company. This paper should informthe VP and leadership of the U.S. branch about initiatives that you recommendfor deployment at the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutionsprovider to develop change leaders.Specifically, you must address the following criteria:Recommend leadership development initiatives from the Campbell Soup Company CaseStudy that can be deployed at the U.S. branch of theSingaporean software solutions provider.Why do leadership development initiatives influenceemployee engagement?How do leadership development initiatives impact theretention of leaders?Refer to the Employee EngagementSurveys and Exit Interviews toensure relevant company data is considered.2. Determine manager competencies (knowledge, skill, and ability) that will beeffective in supporting the change management plan.How does a coach or mentor influence changeacceptance?Refer to the Leaders’ Self Evaluations andExit Interviews to ensure relevant company data is considered.3. Recommend delivery methods for leadership development initiatives.Consider a blend of formal and informal trainings, andclassroom and online methods of training, while making your selection.Consider relevant organization data from the ExitInterviews.4. Justify recommendations for leadership development initiatives.How will leadership development initiatives prepareemployees for change?How does leadership influence the success of anorganization?