OverviewThe goal of this paper is to demonstrate the practical utility of the theories we examine thisquarter and to gain experience explaining, reviewing, applying, and critiquing theory.You will employ the main concepts, axioms, or ideas of a single theory and apply it to a specificissue, problem, or phenomenon in contemporary society. You need to make a series of claimsfor how knowledge of your selected theory will help address (e.g., improve, change) yourselected social issue, problem, or phenomenon.Paper Components (A Much More Detailed Overview is Provided Later in this Document):1. Informative and interesting introduction2. Discussion of the social problem or phenomenon that you’re focusing on in your paper3. Review of your theory or perspective4. Detailed application of the theory to your selected social problem/phenomenon5. Description of the intended effects of your proposed solution and the types of data youcould collect to determine if your proposed solution has the intended effects6. Critique and discussion of limitations of your solution7. ConclusionFormat GuidelinesThe papers, as described in greater depth below, should be approximately 6 -7 pages. Papersthat exceed 7.5 pages will received a 5-point deduction. It is essential that we be mindful ofpaper length to facilitate fair and timely grading.Papers must adhere to APA format (7th edition) for class papers. These guidelines will bereviewed in section. Additional resources will also be posted on GauchoSpace under theTheory Application Paper tab. Note that Word’s default settings are usually wrong for thisassignment (margins too big, font too small, extra line spaces inserted after paragraphs, etc.),so you’ll need to change these settings. If you have questions about formatting, don’t hesitateto ask!Papers must be 12-point Times New Roman (or equivalent serif) typeface. Double spacing mustbe used for this paper. Paper margins should be set to 1-inch margins on the top, left, right,and bottom of the page. You DO NO need an abstract for this paper. Your title page should haveyour name, Perm #, course name (i.e., Comm 89: Theories of Communication, and TA Name.Potential Topics(Note: these are just examples to help you think of topics you might write about. You canpropose your own. But your topic must be approved by your TA)Notice, how in each of the examples below, a specific theory is being linked to aproblem/challenge/phenomenon of some kind. These examples DO NOT, however, tell youwhat the solutions/applications would actually be—that one of your key tasks in the paper.1. Cognitive dissonance theory to fight online disinformation campaigns regarding a specifictopic (e.g., vaccines, climate change)Potential Topics(Note: these are just examples to help you think of topics you might write about. You canpropose your own. But your topic must be approved by your TA)Notice, how in each of the examples below, a specific theory is being linked to aproblem/challenge/phenomenon of some kind. These examples DO NOT, however, tell youwhat the solutions/applications would actually be—that one of your key tasks in the paper.1. Cognitive dissonance theory to fight online disinformation campaigns regarding a specifictopic (e.g., vaccines, climate change).2. Cultivation theory (or Social cognitive theory) to educate parent groups about theirappropriate guidelines for children’s TV viewership.3. Elaboration likelihood model to help advertising agencies improve the persuasiveness oftheir ad campaigns for a specific product or social cause.4. Uncertainty reduction theory to educate dental or medical students on how to best interactwith their patients.5. Theory of planned behavior to reduce a problematic health behavior (e.g., binge drinking)on a college campus.6. Theory of planned behavior to reduce distracted driving among a specific group of people.7. Inoculation theory to reduce a problematic health behavior amongst high school students.8. Inoculation theory to increase charitable contributions to a non-profit organization of yourchoosing.9. Agenda-setting theory to help design a media literacy program for a specific group ofpeople.10. Communication privacy management to educate teenagers about their use of social media.11. Communication privacy management to develop training for doctors on how to effectivelycommunicate with patients who do not speech English (or speak limited English) and usetranslators or language brokers during doctor’s visits.12. Communication privacy management to help physician’s offices comply with HIPAAguidelines.13. Groupthink for assisting organizations improve decision-making procedures.14. Uncertainty reduction theory to develop better online dating sites.15. Expectancy violations theory to help customer service professionals communicateeffectively (and ethically) with unhappy customers/clients.16. Symbolic interactionism to teach daycare and preschool staff members how to planactivities for children.17. Symbolic interactionism for helping companies think critically about representation,inclusivity, and ethicality of marketing materials18. Theory of planned behavior to improve community members’ water conversation efforts (orother positive social behavior).19. Message design logics to educate U.S. doctors on effective doctor-patient interaction andpatient compliance care instructions.20. Message design logics to help public relations firms develop a specific public relations oradvertising campaign (i.e., for a specific product or organization).21. Agenda setting theory to help political campaign advisors conceptualize and strategizetheir use of media.22. Communication accommodation theory to reduce problematic or hurtful forms of speech(e.g., in the context of caregiver-patient communication in nursing homes).23. Communication accommodation theory to improve the communication of police officerswho work in communities with large immigrant populations.24. Theory of Resilience and Relational Load to inform the development of a program toimprove family relationships, particularly for families managing a difficult circumstance(e.g., health challenge).Detailed