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Part 1: Paper Proposal (400-500 words) – Please imagine a possible paper that yo



Part 1: Paper Proposal (400-500 words)– Please imagine a possible paper that you could write for the class. We are not writing whole papers. But if you were to write one, what would it be? Please write a 400-500 word abstract (summary) of this potential paper.– Further instructions/hints for Part 1: Try to imagine vividly and express what the thesis would be, as well as the main points of your argument. A useful idea is to connect themes from different modules to each other. Be sure to address these points: What further questions might be inspired by the paper? What texts from the course would you use? (This leads to Part 2.**)– **Tip: Here is a nice concise discussion of what goes in an abstract (what you are writing for this part) that you might find helpful: https://www.solidessay.com/our-services/how-to-write-a-humanities-abstract**– This is the question I want to research: How can people cleverly use logic to evaluate information and make the right decisions?Part 2: Annotated Bibliography (750-1050 words total)– Please choose one text/chapter from Modules 1-6 and two texts/chapters from Modules 7-14, for a total of 3 texts (chapters), and write for each a summary that expresses some of the main points, and explores how they connect to your paper topic from Part 1.– Module 1-6 (“The art of thinking clearly” chapters 1-75)– Module 7-14 (“Logic Made Easy” pages 29-63)– Module 7-14 (“Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking” Chapters 1-77)You can choose which three chapters/texts from these three book that you think connect with my part 1. But make sure only one text from module 1-6 and two texts from module 7-14)– More instructions/hints: This is like writing an annotated bibliography that could be part of the background for your imagined paper. The annotated bibliography should include summary of the text, reflection, criticism, analysis, etc. Each of the 3 entries should be between 250 and 350 words. Use any style of citation. (I prefer MLA)– Tips: For the annotated bibliography in this part (Part 2), you’re writing brief summaries and discussions of three texts that you choose, and you will relate each of the texts back to the topic of your overall project.– Your text for Part 2: Text 1 (250-350 words), Text 2 (250-350 words), Text 3 (250-350 words)

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