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Please extend this research paper and make any corrections. PromptExpanding th



Please extend this research paper and make any corrections.PromptExpanding the argumentyou made in Essay 3, construct a proposal of at least 1,500 words that something should orshouldn’t be the case. Use “should” or “shouldn’t” in yourthesis statement. In constructing your essay, offer analysis of at least fivewell-chosen sources. The attachment is thetopic that needs to be extended to 1500 words and corrected to align with the following instructions.EvaluationThis is a gradedassignment that will impact your final grade in the class. In order to receivecredit, your essay should be at least 1,500 words, show evidence ofproofreading, and meet the following organizational and MLA/sourcerequirements:OrganizationalRequirementsYour essay shouldinclude:·An introduction thato Offersimportant context (background)o Endswith a strong thesis statement that responds to the prompt·Strong body paragraphs thato Offerclear main ideas supporting or illuminating the thesiso Offerevidence (information from sources and, potentially, detailed anecdotes fromyour experience)o Offeranalysis that supports and illuminates the thesis·A conclusion that offers your own take-away claim or exploresthe larger implications of the analysis that you’ve doneSources/MLARequirementsYou’re required to use atleast five sources that you’ve found and evaluated. You must document themusing MLA formatting guidelines. In other words, your essay must:·Use in-text citation·Include a list of works cited·Be double spaced and formatted according to MLA guidelinesTheySay / I SayYour essay shoulddemonstrate many of the following rhetorical moves:·Summarizing and/or Quoting Sources (Chapters 2 & 3)·Responding to Sources (Chapter 4)·Planting and Responding to Naysayers/Counterarguments (Chapter6)·Answering So what? and Who cares? (Chapter7)·Connecting the Parts (Chapter 8)·Metacommentary (Chapter 10)Academic Essay OrganizationInstructionsInother words, the essay should begin with an introduction that sets up a thesisstatement, located at the end of the introduction. The thesis statement shoulddirectly respond to the prompt and accurately describe the main argument of theessay. Body paragraphs should focus on specific main ideas and not overlapin terms of content. Each body paragraph should include evidence and reasoning,tied to the main idea of that paragraph, that supports or illuminates theoverall thesis of the essay.Youcan demonstrate this skill on any thesis-driven essay this semester. You onlyhave to do it once to receive the point for this assignment, and you can revisean essay, if necessary, to receive credit for demonstrating this skill.EXPLANATION OF ISSUESInstructionsInother words, at least one essay should give the reader a clear understanding ofthe conversation/debate that you’re writing about. You’ll need to put yourselfin the mind of a reader who might not be familiar with the concepts or issuesyou’re writing about. Pretend that you’re writing for a college-educated personwho isn’t in your class. The essay needs to include details, definitions, andother information so that the reader doesn’t feel like they’re missing any keypoints.Usingthe “they say/I say” framework will also be important. If you onlypresent one side of debate and don’t contrast your claim against differingclaims, then the reader may be left asking “So what?” Think about thestory of Dr. X at the beginning of Chapter 1 of They Say / I Say–theaudience wasn’t able to understand the problem because Dr. X didn’t presenttheir claim as a response to a contrasting claim.Youcan demonstrate this skill on any thesis-driven essay this semester. You onlyhave to do it once to receive the point for this assignment, and you can revisean essay, if necessary, to receive credit for demonstrating this skill.Sentence Level & Formatting concernsInstructionsInother words, you should proofread your essay carefully, paying specialattention to MLA style conventions, grammatically correct sentences, and so on.A few errors here are okay, but repeated errors such as run-on sentences orunclear word choice will prevent the essay for earning credit for this skill.You can check out websites like Purdue OWL and the UNC Writing Center for help proofreadingyour essay.Youcan demonstrate this skill on any thesis-driven essay this semester. You onlyhave to do it once to receive the point for this assignment, and you can revisean essay, if necessary, to receive credit for demonstrating this skill.Students PositionInstructionsInother words, at least one essay should take a clear, nuanced position in acomplex debate. The essay needs to include a thesis that contains tensionbetween contrasting ideas.They Say / I Say can help you to take a nuanced position. Make sure tofairly and accurately acknowledge the viewpoints of others and to frame yourview as a response to their viewpoint(s). Make sure to acknowledge weaknessesin your own argument and strengths in the arguments of others. An essay thatoversimplifies an issue, only presents one side of an issue, or reduces adebate to a simple “all or nothing” proposition will not earn creditfor this skill.Youcan demonstrate this skill on Essay 2, 3, 4, or 5. You only have to do it onceto receive the point for this assignment, and you can revise an essay, ifnecessary, to receive credit for demonstrating this skill.Use of evidenceIn other words, at leastone essay should incorporate a variety of contrasting viewpoints, includingexpert viewpoints, from various sources. The viewpoints included in the essayshould be subjected to questioning and analysis, meaning that the claims in thesources shouldn’t be taken at face value. There should be some exploration ofthe reliability and limitations of the data and viewpoints provided. Your essayshould cite specific reasons and evidence for agreeing or disagreeing with theviews taken from sources. Furthermore, the evidence and viewpoints in youressay should be combined together into a coherent whole, meaning any areas ofpotential confusion or apparent contradictions are clarified for thereader.You can demonstrate thisskill on Essay 2, 3, 4, or 5. You only have to do it once to receive the pointfor this assignment, and you can revise an essay, if necessary, to receivecredit for demonstrating this skill.

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