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  • Please help with my homework I am struggling with: Methods SectionFinal Project: Methods SectionThis week, you will create the Methodology section of your research proposal. In this section, you will

Please help with my homework I am struggling with: Methods SectionFinal Project: Methods SectionThis week, you will create the Methodology section of your research proposal. In this section, you will


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Please help with my homework I am struggling with: Methods SectionFinal Project: Methods SectionThis week, you will create the Methodology section of your research proposal. In this section, you will review the research methodologies (both qualitative and quantitative) used in social psychology research. To gain a better understanding of the methods used review the methodology sections of the articles you found for your literature review. Include in your work:Define qualitative and quantitative research methods used in social psychology research.Explain which of the two research methodologies is a better choice to be used in social psychology research and why.Detailed description of the methodology used in your research, including, but not limited to, participants (a description of the participants you will recruit and detail about how you will recruit them), procedure (how you will go about collecting your data), and materials or resources required (questionnaires, surveys, interview questions, etc.)Attachment is a start of my research proposal, thus far.  Thank you. “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% Discount! Use Code “Newclient””Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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