Please Read the attached Word Document for complete instruction. you can also find some example poster i attached for your reference as well. bellow is a summary of the project .I am also open tako on taking bids for this project since i can see that 18$ can not be suffitionPurpose: To acquaintthe student with methods for prediction of proteinfunction andstructure. To familiarize the student with basic bioinformaticstools anddatabases.Assignment: Youwill be given a GenBank ID. From that you will findthe aminoacid sequence. Don’t be confused. Focus your attention on thisprotein, notthe organism from which it comes. Proteins are selected thathave theannotation “unkown function,” so you might not be able to find thefunction norbe able to figure out a likely function. Perform a search forhomologs.Maybe one of the homologues will have a known function. Thefunction ofa homologue provides you with a possible function for yourprotein, butevolution might have caused the function to change. Print out acomparisonof the proteins. Indicate regions of relatively high identity,functionalmotifs, and potential post-translational modification sites. Give anoverallassessment of the possible function of your protein in the organism.If it is anenzyme, give the biochemical reaction that the protein is primarilyresponsiblefor and your predicted biological outcome if a loss-of-functionmutationoccurs in the gene that codes for the protein.You may alsobe able to get information about your gene if you analyze thesynteny ofthe gene that produces your protein. In addition, give thepredictionsof structure and disorder, and the predicted secondary andtertiarystructures of the protein (note: a region predicted to be disorderedcan alsohave predicted secondary structure). Note also that disorderedregions aresometimes observed to have gain of function mutations, such asthe gain ofa PTM site or the gain of a partner binding site.Format: The aboveinformation will be organized into a poster such as onegiven at ascientific meeting. During the indicated time period, you willpresent yourposter orally. You will have 12 minutes for your presentation,so youshould practice your presentation with someone else. The time limitswill bestrictly enforced.Making Your Poster: You can use “How to create a poster with PowerPoint” onYouTube to learn how to make your poster using PowerPoint.This ~10-minute tutorial will provide you with the basics to enable you tocreate anexcellent poster.