Please read the following posts.Respond to each one with at least oneparagraph (5-7 sentences). Your responses should incorporateadditional information or ideas, encourage or coach, or add content to thediscussion. Please follow the rubric attached.1.Brittney PerezMain Post — Brittney PerezGender and Class Variations Among New Immigrant FamiliesImmigrants entering into the United States will find themselvestrying to acclimate to their new surroundings, while holding on to theirfamilies’ traditions. The social statuses that they once held may change due totheir ability to find more work and gain more financial freedom. Immigrantwomen, especially, have begun to move away from their cultural norms that theyhave to get married in order to have stability. Also, as women continue tobecome more educated and less reliant on others for their financial needs.Through their education immigrants, especially immigrant women, have been ableto move themselves up in social classes by obtaining job opportunities that arein conjunction with their level of education.Social Class and the New Meanings of MarriageMarriage norms of the past were, “…legally and socially definedturning point[s] in people’s lives, parents imposed culturally embeddedexpectations” (van Poppel et al., 2008, p. 8). Those antiquated practices havesomewhat been replaced by new societal norms of the present day. Previousexpectations of getting married and staying married were imbued in propertyexchanges, financial contracts, and endogamy (marrying within one’s ownculture). Marriage was a way to ensure stability for the new couple as well astheir extended families. Now, in our American society, there is an“…increasing awareness of gender equality, more and more women are receivinga good education…This increasing proportion of well-educated women has resultedin an unbalanced ‘marriage gradient’…” (Huang and Hao-Jan, 2018, p. 178). Aswomen become more educated, they are able to define when or if they would liketo seek out a committed relationship rather than having to get married.Gender and Class Differences Within FamiliesThe family structure has changed significantly over time. Previousgenerations, dating back to the Silent Generation, were able to build upfinances and create their families relatively early in their adulthood; howeveryounger generations, like Millennials, are currently finding it difficult toobtain any type of financial independence from their family due to the economicrecessions that have occured over the past few decades in America. Youngergenerations tend to fall back on their parents or grandparents for familycapital in the form of financial and emotional support. Family capital cantranscend generations and bring about economic, social and cultural resourcesfor the whole family (Waithaka, 2014, p 472). The troubles facing the youngergenerations in the family could affect the social framework of the family overtime. The longer that the younger men and women in the family struggle to buildup their financial means can keep them overworking themselves without free timeto be social, keep them from buying their own home, having them disregardgetting married or having children. If grandparents or parents are able to helptheir younger family members financially, there is a chance that futuregenerations will have an opportunity to live their lives without having to holdoff starting their lives.2.Shawana PeeleWeek 3: Discussion 2 PeeleGender and Class Variations AmongNew Immigrant Families:This study focuses on differentimmigrant families and how gender roles may shift when they immigrate to acountry that offers more education and financial opportunities. Women may haveadapted to certain traditional gender roles in their country or theirbackgrounds that encourage women to stay home and take care of their familiesinstead of entering the workforce and gaining an education. When these womenwith these types of backgrounds immigrate to the United States they are offeredbetter opportunities that allow them to break the traditional gender rolebehaviors of their culture, but they are still providing for their families andtheir children so they believe they are still maintaining the gender roleideology. Men are losing their authority and position of power when woman hasnew educational and economic advantages. According to Boehm (2004), As womenachieve independence, they face new challenges and male control in differentforms. Women are in charge of a variety of male and female roles.Social Class and the NewMeanings of Marriage:This study shows how socialclass caused changes regarding marriage. The steps that one takes within amarriage have changed because cohabitation, sexual relations, parenting, or inother words the standard ways of marriage are no longer the norms. Changes insocial classes and the finances of those that a couple has caused many peopleto not commit to marriage before moving in together or having children. Thosethat are wealthy or that have the financial means to do things in the standardway usually do so. Those that are in the lower and middle social class are moreconcerned with being friends, lovers, and co-parents rather than havingfinancial ties. There seems to be a marriage divide and according to JointEconomic Committee (2017), Regardless of their marital status, the vastmajority of unmarried Americans from all socioeconomic backgrounds wish tomarry. However, a huge percentage of Americans do not marry or remain married.The middle and upper classes gain from this important institution, while thepoor and working classes suffer even more as a result of itsshortcomings.Gender and Class DifferencesWithin Families:This study gives us a look intohow things have changed regarding the gender and class differences withinfamilies. It explains how most older adults and grandparents are providingfinancial assistance and emotional support to their children and grandchildrenbecause they have the income and younger generations are taking care of theolder generations. With the many economic setbacks and the price of everythinggoing up from food to rent and gas, many young adults are moving back in withtheir parents and grandparents because they can not afford the cost of livingand can not become wealthy with so many financial challenges. Gender wise it isbelieved that older men of the future will be socially isolated because theyhave a history of marital instability because men and women are not gettingmarried as often as before due to economic difficulties and the inability tosupport themselves.Bottom of Form3.Athaliah ParkerIn the case studies, the gender and classvariations among new immigrant families, I think that it is a great thing thattraditions are being broken. I say this because gender should not have nothingto do with women having opportunites to work and have an education. It isthe patriarch thinking, that created such division and divide. At the endof the day, we are all human and we desire to work and provide for our familiesand still can be a boss in the home, while allowing a man to have hisindividual place. It should be viewed as a team, but just my opinion,working together enables all to have better. With opportunity there isroom for growth, I feel we are still talking about the same thing overcenturies about gender, its a new day and new time. I value culturalcustoms. but they all stem from a place of a man’s mind.In the case study of social class and the newmeanings of marriage, the forefront is changing. I think this is a anamazing thing. I say this because the modern day world is changing andthings are evolving and changing for the better. What was traditional isnow being taken over by the unconventional. The dynamics of families arechanging and how people view family, is also changing. The new generationis bringing about changes in waves and people are learning how to adapt, andyes resistance may occur, which is necessary for the opportunity forgrowth. Things are not coventional any more, but diverse in manydifferent ways.In this case study of gender and classdifferences within families, this makes so much sense. I can see why theolder adults such as grandparents are able to have more of a sturdy financialsupport system. They valued money more and knew of the struggles and theimportance of saving money. They went through many hard times, and thementality was very different. The society now are influenced to buythings and we are now more consumers. If we want it we can get it.The mentality is I worked for it I should spend it on what I want. Not tomention we have ridiculous payments of credit. It is the way of theworld. It is like night and day and the times back then and now aredifferent. Mondern technology, phones, loans, credit cards and it justcontinues on. I think that the older aduts are wise individuals and can teachthe generations of today, how to be savy. They knew, lived and wentthrough the struggle and the appreciation of the little things and they do notmind helping to support.4.Jennifer SchellerScheller- Assignment 3.2Gender and Class Variations Among New Immigrant Families:Studies on families offer light on the changing characters byinspecting the connection between class and gender. The immigrantfamilies, the changing the meanings of marriage, and the dynamic essence ofsocial class over the family life route are all areas of modern research thatpick out the importance of those crossings. The new immigrantfamilies will most likely have the traditional gender roles that can bedifficult for economic advancement and education opportunities in the UnitedStates of America. Women in Arab, Mexican, and Vietnamese familiesare at a higher risk of taking advantage of those opportunities, leading to thetraditional gender dynamic roles within the family changing. Overthe years, women have been able to obtain greater authority to question thenorms of gender because of cultural assimilation and education in the Americanculture. Women can make their opinions and feelings very clear tothe power of men as they ascend in the ranks of society in terms of position inthe economy and education. The traditional headship of the man canoffer women a feeling of confidence and safety without the capacity to changeone’s situation.Social Class and the New Meanings of Marriage:This case study looks at how social class influencesmarriages. It talks about how marriages have becomedeinstitutionalized and impacted various social classes. The upperclass always has the means within the economy to have the behavior to defyconvention. The lower class doesn’t usually have substantialresources to help support a lifelong marriage. According to Williamson et al., 2019, “Despite evidence that empirically supported couple therapiesimprove relationship outcomes, few couples engage in therapy prior to divorce,suggesting that barriers prevent couples from seeking or receivinghelp.” (Williamson etal., 2019, para. 23). This case study also looks at how the present time of marriage ismore about being lovers and friends and less focused on legal property rights.Gender and Class Differences Within Families:This case study discusses how families have various classdifferences and how the older generation has a more advantageous position thanthe younger generation. That is because of the changes in lateradulthood when many young adults move back home after college because theycannot afford to support themselves. There is a higher pluralismwithin the same family because of the industrialized theory. Thattheory suggests that individuals become self-sufficient and that families andother social institutions are not as essential in people’slives. The industrialized theory could explain the class differenceswithin families and the trend of young adults moving back home after college.