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Policy Recommendation – Gun Control


This week, you will hand in Parts 2 and 3 of the final assignment.(PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FOR PART ONE)

Part 2: Video Presentation:( TRANSCRIPT)

the video presentation, you will provide an analytical discussion and
conclude with an actual policy recommendation (no more than 10 minutes
in length). You must create a transcript of the video with scholarly
references included, but you do not need to speak the references. You can use the Media Gallery tab on the left side of the classroom to upload your video presentation.
You also may use the webcam feature in the Media Gallery to record your
video presentation, or you may use Screencast-0-Matic audio and video.
This assignment will be a video of you – your voice, your face. Please
make sure you are prepared for the technology required to complete the
assignment. Practice early in the term with a mock video and then reach
out to me or Classroom Support if you are having trouble. Please add
this to your Media Collection and be sure to share it. Please label
your file as follows: LastName.FirstName.Week8Assignment (note: is it very important to include your name!)


  • Discuss
    the alternatives to the current policy option by enumerating and
    explaining each policy option in turn. You should present several policy
    alternatives, and they must be serious alternatives. The alternatives
    presented must be serious contenders that have been weighed in terms of
    pros and cons.
  • Pros
    and cons of each policy option should be discussed next. Identify the
    political, economic, and security implications for each option. Each
    policy option should be compared and contrasted to the other options as
    well as to the current policy. The analysis should seriously consider
    the feasibility of implementation, not only in terms of economic or
    strategic implications, but also in terms of political feasibility.
    There are always going to be some benefits and some costs to any policy
    proposal – there is no proposal so good that it does not have some costs
    associated with it. Trade-offs are the heart of the policy process.


  • Clearly identify which option will be recommended and which options will be discounted.
  • Clearly lay out the argument for why that option is better than each of the others.
  • Support your arguments with both quantitative and qualitative evidence from academic literature.

Part 3: Written Transcript and Executive Summary:

Written transcript:
In creating the video, it is easier to write your script first and then
create the video. Write as if you are preparing an analytical essay,
but edit the language and tone for video presentation. Upload your
transcript to the Week 8 assignment folder as a Word document. Don’t
forget to include the in-text references and a References List, just
like a normal academic paper. (Do not speak the in-text references –
just skip over them in the video. If it’s important for your audience
to know whose work you are citing, add something like “Stephen Walt
suggests that foreign policy should …”.)

Executive summary:
This component will consist of a 150-word written executive summary,
which you will post in the Week 8 forum. It is due by 11:55 pm Eastern
time on Thursday of Week 8.

The executive summary should include the following information:

  1. A statement of current policy;
  2. Reasons for initiation changes;
  3. Policy options to be considered; and
  4. Recommended course of action.

Be prepared to defend your reasoning for the new policy in the Week 8 forum, including pros and cons of the alternatives.

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