POS class


your email should have a proper greetng and conclusion and should not be written in “text speak

I will post a “weekly discussion” thread on your Bb learn discussion section. Every week, I will also
post a prompt to help guide our discussion In addition, you can ask
questions, make comments, respond to the ideas of your classmates , and so
on. Everyone must contribute to this discussion in order to receive their participation points.
Before you post, be sure to carefully read the “Instructions for Discussion Postings

I expect you to have the readings done in a timely manner so that you can participate in our weekly discussion forum. It is our mutual dialogue that will make this course courseenjoyable and provocative; we will each gain different insights from the readings, and w each have different life experiences and ways of thinking that will help us to apply the readings to contemporary debates. As such, I ask that you use these discussions as a way to further cultivate a respect for difference. Remember, our disagreements are what make politics interesting! With that in mind, it is okay to disagree with each other, but make  sure that you respond appropriately and respectfully. Anyone reacting disrespectfully toward others will immediately lose points. Repeated problems will result in dismissal from the course

(40%)You will have four quizzes one at the end of each week. The quizzes will be
based on the readings and lecture notes that we’ve covered over the course of the week. I
will post the quizzes mid week and they must be completed by Friday at midnight.

Final Project
Instructions will be posted on Monday, July 13th
(Bb Learn under
The project is due on August 4th

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